Cloak of Escape Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Cloak of Escape

Wondrous item (cloak), rare (requires attunement)   This cape is non-descript and relatively mundane and ordinary in appearance. However, it offers a number of powerful magics to anyone attuned to it, allowing for the wearer to escape more easily in crowded settings.   As a bonus action, when the wearer of this cloak touches a humanoid creature (not with a weapon attack), you can expel a charge from the cloak to create an illusion to make yourself look like the creature touched and make them look like you. The creature touched is able to make a Charisma DC 14 save to avoid the effect. If the creature makes its save, they do not take on the appearance of the wearer, but the wearer still takes on their appearance. The transformation lasts for 1 minute and the limits of the transformation are equivalent to the Disguise Self spell. The cape has three charges that all refresh at dawn.   The effects of the cloak operate similar to a Disguise Self spell. In order to see through the effect and realize that it is an illusion, a viewer must must use its action to inspect your appearance and succeed at an Intelligence (Investigation) DC 14 check. To see through the illusion on the person touched, a viewer must perform the same action to inspect. This illusion does not alter voices or scents, and it does not pass physical inspection (so a hand would pass through an illusory hat if it was touched).


This cloak was given to Bronwyn by Malthus Normal upon her entry into the Eastbridge Trade Guild. While given freely, the cloak came with the implication that a favor would eventually need to be repaid.
Item type
Current Holder
5 lbs