Erlkönig (url-kaa-nuhg)

King Erlkönig (a.k.a. Erl-King)

Erlkönig, the ruler of the Deep Wood, is a dark and enigmatic archfey who embodies the primal fear of being lost in the wilderness and the terror of unseen dangers lurking in the shadows. His presence is both alluring and horrifying, capturing the unsettling beauty of the forest and the merciless cruelty it can inflict on those who wander too deep.   Erlkönig appears as a tall, shadowy figure, draped in a cloak made of swirling darkness that seems to flicker like the branches of trees swaying in a cold wind. His form is elusive, shifting between the illusion of a regal, ethereal fey king and a more monstrous, predatory silhouette. His face is pale and undefined, always partially obscured as though wrapped in fog, with eyes that glow faintly—captivating yet full of malice. His features shift subtly, adopting shapes and familiarities that reflect the deepest fears of those who gaze upon him. To children, he often appears as a figure of gentle authority, offering a twisted form of comfort, while to others, he is a figure of unspeakable dread.   He wears a crown of twisted branches and thorns, representing his dominion over the forest, and his long, flowing cloak seems to merge with the forest floor itself, as if the woods are part of him. His hands, elongated and claw-like, extend from his cloak, suggesting both the nurturing touch of the forest and its power to strangle and consume.   Erlkönig is a creature of contradictions—he is both a protector and a predator, appearing as a comforting presence to lost children while simultaneously preying on their fear and leading them further into his dark domain. His voice is soft, velvety, and deeply persuasive, capable of soothing fears even as he tightens his grip on his victims. He delights in manipulating the emotions of those who enter the Deep Wood, offering false hope and a twisted form of guidance.   He views fear as a tool, something to be shaped and refined, and he takes great pleasure in watching the slow unraveling of his victims’ sense of safety and direction. Erlkönig is particularly fond of children, whom he lures deeper into the woods with the promise of safety or adventure, only to trap them in an endless nightmare. He plays with the fear of abandonment, using it to bend his victims to his will, turning their terror into his own source of power.   Erlkönig is unseen by adults, and even if they enter the Deep Wood, they are blind and deaf to his presence. He exists as a phantom of childhood fears—real to the young but invisible to those who have grown beyond the ability to believe in such terrors.   Erlkönig has the power to manipulate fear itself, weaving it into the minds of those who venture into his realm. He can bring forth their deepest insecurities, amplifying the dread of being lost, abandoned, or hunted. He thrives on the terror of the unknown and unseen.   He is a master of illusion, able to change his appearance to reflect the fears and desires of those he encounters. Whether he appears as a comforting figure or a monstrous shadow, he plays on the perceptions of his prey, always keeping them on edge.   To adults, Erlkönig is completely invisible and intangible. No matter how close they come to him, they cannot see or hear him. This makes him particularly dangerous, as he can manipulate and terrify children without their parents or guardians ever knowing.   Erlkönig’s dominion over the Deep Wood is absolute. He can change its layout, moving trees, shifting paths, and creating endless loops to trap those who enter. The forest itself is an extension of his will, responding to his desires and amplifying the fear of those within it.   Erlkönig stands apart from both the Seelie and Unseelie courts, more closely aligned with the darker, more primal aspects of the Feydark. While some fey fear him and avoid his realm, others—especially those who delight in causing fear—are drawn to him, serving as his minions and helping to spread the terror he craves. Fey that dwell in the Deep Wood often have a malevolent streak, reveling in the confusion and fear of those they trap within the shifting paths of the forest.   Though Erlkönig’s motives are not tied to mortal concerns like power or wealth, he thrives on the terror of children and the lost, gathering their fear to sustain his realm and his own dark, twisted existence.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Deep Wood
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations