The Deep Wood

The Deep Wood is a realm within the Feydark, a twisted forest of perpetual dusk where the shadows seem to stretch and breathe with malevolent intent. It is a place that preys on the fear of the unknown, particularly the primal terror of getting lost in the woods and the horrors that lurk just out of sight. The Deep Wood is an ever-shifting maze of dense trees, gnarled roots, and creeping vines, all woven together into an oppressive landscape designed to disorient and unnerve those who wander too deep. The trees groan and whisper with voices that sound like distant cries for help or cruel laughter, while the wind carries the faintest echo of a child’s fearful whimper.   In the Deep Wood, the trees seem to move when you aren’t looking, the paths twist back on themselves, and landmarks disappear as soon as you leave them. What was once a straight trail becomes an endless loop, and every step feels heavier as if the forest itself is conspiring to trap you. Time loses meaning here—minutes stretch into hours, and the moon never rises, leaving the forest bathed in a perpetual twilight.   The Deep Wood changes constantly. What appears to be a simple clearing can close in with trees and vines once someone turns away. Paths branch off into false leads and dead ends, luring travelers deeper into the heart of the forest. Faerie portals open from mortal forests into the Deep Wood, only to close right behind the traveler, keeping them lost in unfamiliar forests.   Within the Deep Wood dwell creatures whose shapes remain half-seen—shadowy wolves that prowl silently through the underbrush, stalking the unwary; winged figures that flit between the branches, too fast to catch but always just in sight; and tall, gaunt figures whose eyes gleam faintly in the darkness. The fear of these creatures—whether imagined or real—drives much of the terror that grips those who venture into the realm.   The forest is filled with ghostly voices—children calling for their parents, pleading whispers for help, or soft, mocking laughter. Sometimes, these voices are tricks of the mind, planted by the Deep Wood itself. Other times, they belong to those who became lost here long ago, their spirits forever trapped within its labyrinthine depths.   The Deep Wood is especially treacherous for children, for it seems almost alive in its hunger for young fear. The trees close in tighter, the paths become even more confusing, and unseen eyes are always watching from the shadows. Children hear strange songs in the wind, sung in voices that sound both soothing and terrifying, drawing them deeper into the woods with promises of safety or hidden wonders.   Soft, melodic whispers call out to children, mimicking the voices of parents or loved ones. Lullabies drift through the trees, gentle yet filled with eerie undertones, lulling young minds into complacency before turning those same melodies into haunting echoes that drive them deeper into terror.   The Deep Wood loves to play tricks. Shadows move just out of sight, taking the shapes of friends or family members, only to vanish when approached. Sometimes, these shadows lead children astray, turning them away from safety, while other times, they simply watch, amplifying the dread of being followed by something unknown.   For children, escape is often dangled before them, just out of reach. A house in the distance, a familiar voice calling their name, a warm light through the trees—it is always a trap, leading them deeper into the woods’ tangled grasp. The fear of false hope is as much a weapon here as the creatures that lurk in the shadows.   At the heart of this terrifying realm is Erlkönig, the dark archfey who rules over the Deep Wood with a subtle, almost imperceptible hand. To the children who wander into his domain, he appears as a towering, shadowy figure with an unsettling beauty—equal parts comforting and terrifying. His form is always draped in a cloak of darkness, and his face is a pale blur of features that shift in and out of focus, just enough to resemble someone familiar to his victim.   Erlkönig holds a strange power over perception. Adults cannot see or hear him, no matter how close they are to the children he targets. He exists as a nightmare that only the young can perceive, slipping between reality and illusion like a specter.   Erlkönig thrives on the fear of abandonment, loneliness, and disorientation. He often appears to children who feel lost or neglected, offering them solace in his soft, velvety voice. Yet his comfort is a twisted mockery of safety—he draws them deeper into his realm, promising to guide them home, but his home is an endless wilderness where fear is their only companion.   Erlkönig has a particular fascination with children who are lost in more ways than one—those who have been neglected, forgotten, or emotionally adrift. He gathers these children to him, playing the role of a protector, but his protection is a cage of endless fear. These children are often lured into his service, their innocence slowly eroded until they become part of the Deep Wood itself, forever lost.   The Deep Wood is populated by a variety of twisted fey creatures who serve Erlkönig and revel in the fear of those who stumble into their domain. The Whisperlings are small, shadowy figures that dart between the trees, their voices barely audible but always present. They are the ones who whisper lies and half-truths to children, leading them astray and deepening their confusion. Their appearance is always childlike, but distorted, with too-large eyes or limbs that bend unnaturally.   Massive, spectral wolves known as the Lurking Hounds roam the Deep Wood, their forms only half-seen in the gloom. They do not hunt with hunger, but with the intent to terrify, herding lost travelers toward more dangerous parts of the forest or into the waiting arms of Erlkönig.   The Tanglewraiths are the keepers of the shifting paths. They resemble twisted humanoids made of thorny vines and bark, and they delight in manipulating the forest to create impossible mazes. They can blend seamlessly into the trees, emerging only to turn travelers around or trap them in endless loops.   To enter the Deep Wood is to face the deepest fears of being lost, of being forgotten, and of never finding safety again. The realm itself seems to pulse with the quiet terror of those who wander within it, feeding the endless hunger of the Deep Wood and its master, Erlkönig. For children, it is a waking nightmare, where the fear of the dark and the unknown manifests as a living, breathing entity that watches their every step, waiting for the moment to strike.

Never follow the voices, no matter how familiar they sound.

Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members