
Queen Haliya

Queen Haliya, the ruler of the Lunar Court, is a figure of complexity and duality, embodying changing nature of the moon. Her presence reflects the court’s shifting characteristics, fluctuating between serene beauty and deep mystery depending on the moon’s phase.   During the waxing moon, Haliya presents a majestic and radiant figure. Her form is ethereal and elegant, cloaked in robes of shimmering stars and deep blues. Her skin is a rich chocolate, and her eyes are orbs with a soft radiant glow that convey wisdom and tranquility. Her long hair is tight black curls close to her head, often covered by a headpiece. She is adorned with delicate, celestial jewelry that accentuate her serene and regal demeanor.   In this phase, Haliya exudes an aura of calm and grace. Her movements are fluid and graceful, and her voice is soothing, often likened to a gentle lullaby that brings comfort and peace. As the benevolent ruler, she presides over the court with a nurturing and inspiring presence, guiding her subjects with wisdom and compassion.   During the waning moon, Haliya transforms into a more enigmatic and formidable figure. Her appearance becomes shadowed and haunting, with robes that shift between deep, dark hues and shadowy, translucent fabrics that seem to merge with the night. Her skin takes on a more ethereal, almost dark ghostly quality. Her eyes become sharp and unsettling, glowing with a cold, intense light that pierces through the darkness.   Her hair, once close to her head, now rises out in thick full curls that orb around her head. She wears intricate, dark jewelry—moon phase symbols and obsidian ornaments—that enhance her mysterious and commanding presence. In this phase, Haliya’s aura is one of ominous control and subtle menace, embodying the court’s darker, more introspective nature.   During the waxing moon, Haliya is gentle, wise, and nurturing. She embraces the moon’s growing light, fostering harmony and encouraging her subjects to pursue creativity and growth. Her leadership is characterized by empathy and support, focusing on the well-being of her court and guiding her fey with a soft hand. Haliya is a figure of inspiration, encouraging collaboration and positive change.   During the waning moon, Haliya adopts a more detached and strategic demeanor. She embodies the shadowy, enigmatic aspects of the waning moon, using her authority to maintain control and enforce order. Her actions are calculated and often secretive, reflecting a more manipulative and strategic approach. During this time, she focuses on managing the darker aspects of the court and navigating the complex dynamics of power and influence.   As the ruler of the Lunar Court, Haliya embodies the court’s shifting nature, guiding her subjects through the cycles of the moon. During the waxing moon, she fosters an atmosphere of growth, creativity, and peace, while during the waning moon, she maintains control, strategy, and order. Her leadership reflects the court’s dual aspects, making her a complex and multifaceted ruler who navigates the delicate balance between light and shadow.

Mental characteristics


Haliya is influenced by the moon and its change and cannot make any permanent impositions.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Lunar Court
Soft radiant orbs of moonlight
Black curls, either tight to her head or rounded in an afro
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations