The Lunar Court

The Lunar Court is a realm that embodies the duality of the moon’s phases. It shifts between Seelie and Unseelie natures depending on the moon's cycle, creating a dynamic and ever-changing court ruled by the archfey Haliya. This court’s essence reflects the waxing and waning of the moon, with its atmosphere and inhabitants changing in accordance with the lunar phases.   The Lunar Court’s landscape is a breathtaking blend of celestial beauty and eerie mystique. During the waxing moon, the court is bathed in a serene, silvery light that enhances its ethereal, otherworldly charm. The environment is adorned with shimmering moonlit gardens, crystalline lakes, and delicate, glowing flora that reflect the tranquil beauty of the growing moon. The air is filled with soft, melodic tunes and gentle, soothing breezes, creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony.   When the moon wanes, the court transforms into a shadowy, enigmatic realm. The light becomes dim and unsettling, with the once-glistening flora now appearing dark and twisted. The gardens turn into labyrinthine thickets of shadow, and the lakes become murky, their surfaces disturbed by ominous ripples. The atmosphere becomes heavy with whispers and an eerie silence, interrupted only by the haunting calls of nocturnal creatures. This transition evokes a sense of unease and mystery, reflecting the darker, more malevolent nature of the waning moon.   Haliya, the archfey ruler of the Lunar Court, is a figure of profound duality, embodying both the serene beauty of the waxing moon and the dark mystery of the waning moon. Haliya’s appearance and demeanor shift dramatically with the lunar phases:   Waxing Moon: During this phase, Haliya appears as a majestic and radiant figure, cloaked in shimmering robes that reflect the silvery light of the moon. Her eyes are gentle and full of wisdom, and she moves with grace and calm. As the benevolent ruler, she presides over the court with a sense of harmony and compassion, guiding her subjects with a soothing presence.   Waning Moon: In contrast, during the waning moon, Haliya transforms into a more enigmatic and imposing figure. Her form becomes shadowed and ethereal, with dark, flowing robes that seem to merge with the night. Her eyes take on a cold, unsettling gleam, and her demeanor becomes more distant and commanding. As the darker, more mysterious ruler, she governs with a sense of foreboding and control, manipulating the court’s energies to maintain order and sow discord.   Haliya’s powers reflect the dual nature of the Lunar Court. She can harness the light of the waxing moon to heal and inspire, while drawing upon the shadows of the waning moon to create fear and control. Her control over the court’s transition between phases is absolute, and she uses her influence to maintain balance and order within the ever-shifting realm.   The culture of the Lunar Court is deeply influenced by the moon's phases. During the waxing moon, the court celebrates festivals of light and harmony, with elaborate ceremonies and feasts that honor the beauty and tranquility of the lunar cycle. Music, dance, and art flourish, reflecting the court’s Seelie nature.   In contrast, the waning moon brings a period of introspection and shadow. The court observes rituals that delve into the mysteries of the night and the darker aspects of existence. The atmosphere is one of solemnity and intrigue, with gatherings focused on strategy, divination, and the manipulation of power.   The Lunar Court’s shifting nature makes it both an ally and a rival to other fey courts. Its Seelie phase allows it to align with courts that value harmony and light, while its Unseelie phase brings it into conflict with those that oppose its darker inclinations. The court’s duality makes it a complex and unpredictable player in the fey world, navigating alliances and enmities with the fluidity of the moon’s phases.

Demography and Population

The inhabitants of the Lunar Court change in prominence depending upon the phase of the moon. During the waxing moon, lunar elves, eladrin, and moonlit sylphs are abound in plentiful numbers, as starborn dryads--dryads whose groves are connected to the moonlight--protect the serene beauty of the realm and glimmering pixies flutter about. During the waning moon, however, nightshade fae and eladrin are about in more numbers, and wraithlike banshees haunt the court, Duskstalker hags plot behind the scenes and twisted shadebound faeries trick with and malevolence.   Some believe that the inhabitants themselves transform, rather than simply fading to obscurity during the opposing movements of the moon, however, none from the Court have ever confirmed this belief.


Laws and taboos change as the phases of the moon change. While waxing, fey are expected to Honor the Light and Respect the Moon's Gifts, while waning they are expected to Embrace the Shadows and to Guard Its Secrets.

Waxing to inspire, waning to whisper.

Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members