Ildross, The Wild King

The Wild King

Ildross is an exception to the deities. While most came to help and aid the folk, Ildross was drawn to the animals of the land, heeding and protecting them. In time, as folk began to domesticate animals, he slowly entered the minds of the folk to ensure that they were looked after and treated properly. Shepherds, farmers, and anyone dealing with livestock are sure to pay heed and homage to Ildross and make sure that their animals are cared for properly, lest Ildross rile them up and cause them to go wild. His followers tend to the animals and the deepest wilds that no one else may enter. Because of this affinity many of the Fae venerate Ildross.

Ildross is depicted in many forms, all of them animal or beast. He is a great white stag in the distance, a coyote trickster, a watching hawk high above. His followers are careful as any animal they find could be Ildross.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Death is not to be feared, for it is part of the natural cycle of life. But life, particularly the birth of new life, is to be encouraged and nurtured.
  • Embrace the wild and fear it not, for the wild ways are the good ways.
  • Live as one with the woods and teach others to do so and punish and curtail those who would hunt for sport or practice cruelty on wild creatures.


His holy days are Winterfinding and Summerfinding, celebrated with festivals where all friendly creatures are welcomed to revel with them in feasting, singing, and dancing.
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Classification