Court of Rampant Green

The Court of Rampant Green is a vibrant and untamed fey court, deeply rooted in the flourishing and exuberant heart of nature. As a Seelie Court aligned with the Court of Summer, it embodies the raw, unbridled energy of the wilds, where life grows in abundance and the spirit of the wilderness reigns supreme. The court is a celebration of growth, freedom, and the primal forces of nature, ruled by the enigmatic and powerful archfey, Acacia.   The Court of Rampant Green exists in a verdant and ever-changing forest, a realm where the boundaries between the material world and the feywild blur. There are untouched places on the isles that offer natural connections to this court. Towering trees with ancient, twisted trunks rise above a dense canopy that filters sunlight into a kaleidoscope of green hues. The air is filled with the scent of fresh earth, blooming flowers, and the sharp tang of pine. The forest floor is carpeted with thick moss, vibrant ferns, and wildflowers in every color imaginable. Hidden glades, bubbling brooks, and mysterious groves abound, each teeming with life and magic. In many areas of the land, kudzu vine envelop the ground and trees themselves, seeming to reclaim them for a new green.   The court’s seat of power is the Glade of Eternal Verdancy, a sacred and mystical clearing where the oldest trees encircle a grand, natural throne of woven vines and blooming flowers. Here, the energy of summer is strongest, and the very air hums with the pulse of life. The court’s surroundings are in constant flux, with new pathways, groves, and glades appearing and disappearing, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of the wild.   The Court of Rampant Green values the primal and instinctual forces of nature above all else. Freedom, growth, and the balance of the natural world are central to the court’s philosophy. The fey of this court revel in the chaos and beauty of the untamed wilderness, seeing themselves as both guardians and embodiments of nature’s power. They honor the cycle of life and death, understanding that destruction and decay are necessary for rebirth and renewal.   Celebrations in the Court of Rampant Green are exuberant and wild, often taking the form of grand festivals and hunts that last for days. Music, dance, and storytelling are vital aspects of these gatherings, and the fey often compete in games of skill, strength, and cunning. The court is also known for its feasts, where the bounty of the forest is shared in abundance, and toasts are made to the flourishing of life.   Despite their playful and joyous nature, the fey of this court can be fiercely protective of their lands and traditions. They do not tolerate those who would seek to harm or exploit the wilderness, and intruders who fail to respect the court’s ways may find themselves lost in the ever-shifting woods or at the mercy of the wild creatures that dwell there.   The Court of Rampant Green is ruled by Acacia, an archfey who embodies the spirit of the wild and the vitality of the summer season. She is both nurturing and untamable, a force of nature in her own right. Acacia appears as a tall, regal figure with skin the color of rich, dark wood, adorned with patterns resembling bark and leaves. Her hair is a cascade of vibrant green foliage, woven with flowers that bloom and wither in an endless cycle. Her eyes glow with a deep, emerald light, reflecting both wisdom and wildness.   Acacia’s presence is awe-inspiring, commanding respect and reverence from all who meet her. She is known for her wisdom and deep understanding of nature’s secrets, but also for her fierce temper and unpredictability. While she is a protector of the wild and a patron of growth, she does not hesitate to unleash the full fury of the wilderness on those who threaten her domain.   As the ruler of the Court of Rampant Green, Acacia ensures that the court’s lands remain lush and untamed, free from the influence of those who would seek to control or diminish them. She fosters a culture of freedom and growth among her fey subjects, encouraging them to embrace their wild nature and live in harmony with the rhythms of the earth.   The Court of Rampant Green is a place where nature’s power is revered, and the fey who dwell there live in harmony with the wild forces that shape their world. Under the guidance of Acacia, they thrive in the untamed wilderness, celebrating the joy of life, the beauty of the natural world, and the freedom that comes with embracing the wild. The court is ever growing and ever expanding, because hindered growth is its anathema.


Ages ago, Acacia was more known to the peoples of the isle, respected as the untouched lands were wild and dangerous. As the isle became more explored and settled, her influence began to wane and she spent less and less time in the isles and more time in her court. When Narahm of the Seafoam Court, her lover, was captured by Oleander forces, she returned to the isles to send unending waves of kudzu toward the Oleander city that held Narahm, hoping to strangle the population and tear down every building brick by brick with her vines. Members of the Gentlemen's League discovered her avatar and assisted her in freeing Narahm, leaving as she and Narahm reaped destruction on the Oleander city of Paraetonium.

Demography and Population

Fey beasts and animal spirits wander the Rampant Green freely. Many dryads feel comfort and protection in the trees of the court, as do many treants themselves. Despite the oppressive plantlife, several small settlements exist in the court, comprised mostly of summer eladrin and wood elves and a few druids of other races. Aggressive satyrs roam the greens of the court and sylphs take to the skies. The cool waters that flow through the green are perfect for river nymphs who protect the waters that share a bond with the green. Acorn sprites help to protect the youngest trees in the court. The court's retinue include Grove Keepers, ancient fey that harbor secrets of the deep forest, and Hedge Knights, fey warriors clad in armor made of wood with weapons of stand. Fireflies are the couriers of the court, whose blinking luminescence deliver messages between the fey.


  • Do no harm to the forest.
  • Do not disrespect the cycle of life.
  • No animal may be tamed here. 
  • No iron may enter this realm.
  • No one may disrupt the night.

Mythology & Lore

Ildross spends some of his time in this realm, claiming a portion of it as one of his homes.

Untamed, unyielding, ever in bloom.

Alternative Names
Court of Wild Green
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members