Ran, The Deep Queen

The Deep Queen

Fickle and malicious, Ran is the goddess of the oceans, currents, and seas. She is just as often calm and serene as she is violent and tormenting and often without any hesitation as she shifts between the two. She is prideful and fiercely possessive, and she claims the souls of those who drown in her waters instead of allowing Morganos to take them. Sailors and fishermen pray to her to appease her vanity in hopes of soothing her rage. Coastal communities often have glorious shrines dedicated to her in hopes that she will spare them from her wrath.

Ran and her often lover, Tempest, created a maelstrom that destroyed a fleet of ships from the Oleander Throne intended to spread the Allfather to the Moontide Isles, crippling their navies.

She is usually portrayed as a blue-skinned woman with long flowing blue-green hair who wields a massive trident.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Fair offerings bring fair winds--always pay respect before setting to sea.
  • What is lost to the sea belongs to Ran, do not try to take back from her.
  • Bravery is above all. There is no strength in cowardice.


Her holy day is First Tide, when the ice of the harbors breaks up and the waters are usable again for sail.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Divine Classification