Seafoam Court

The Seafoam Court exists on the border between land and sea, a shimmering coastal realm where lush, blooming meadows meet the endless waves of the ocean. The court is situated on a series of magical isles that rise and fall with the tides, their shores lined with pale sand that sparkles like crushed pearls. The air is filled with the scent of salt and wildflowers, mingling in a perfume that is both refreshing and intoxicating.   The heart of the Seafoam Court is the Coral Palace, a magnificent structure woven from living coral, seashells, and bioluminescent seaweed. The palace glows with an ethereal light, casting shifting patterns of blue and green across its walls. Inside, the halls are filled with soft music, the sounds of waves crashing and seabirds singing, while the floors are carpeted in seafoam that bubbles and swirls with every step. The palace is surrounded by gardens where exotic flowers bloom alongside coral reefs, creating a landscape that is both vibrant and serene.   The Seafoam Court is a place of fluid grace and ephemeral beauty. The fey who reside here are as changeable as the tides, their moods shifting with the phases of the moon and the ebb and flow of the sea. The court’s colors are soft pastels—seafoam green, coral pink, and pearl white—accented with shimmering golds and silvers. Everything in the court seems to shimmer and sparkle as if touched by sunlight on water.   The court holds a deep reverence for the sea, celebrating its mysteries and power. The sound of waves is ever-present, and the court’s gatherings are marked by the gentle rhythm of the tides. Rituals and ceremonies often involve offerings of shells, pearls, and fresh blooms cast into the waves, symbolizing the union of sea and land.   The atmosphere of the Seafoam Court is one of lightheartedness and gentle mischief, reflecting the playful nature of its fey inhabitants. However, beneath the surface lies a deep wisdom and a profound understanding of the balance between nature’s forces.   The fey of the Seafoam Court are an enchanting mix of aquatic and land-dwelling creatures, reflecting their dual connection to both realms. Among them are merfolk with flowing hair like seaweed, nixies who dance upon the waves, and sea nymphs with skin that glimmers like the ocean at dawn. Sprites with dragonfly wings that resemble delicate sea glass flit through the air, and kelpie courtiers with long, flowing manes of kelp lurk in the shallows, their eyes gleaming with mischievous intent.   The court is ruled by Narahm. Though King, he goes by no title. He is a duality of character. He is known as the Leviathan within the Isles, and he takes glamoured forms of great squids or whales or a kraken to destroy invaders of the isles. Despite being known as a force of destruction within the isle, he is soft spoken and gentle in tone, but can still demonstrate power and destruction when needed.   The Seafoam Court is deeply tied to the rhythms of nature, celebrating the cycles of the moon, the changing of the tides, and the renewal of spring. Festivals are held at the water’s edge, where fey dance under the stars, their movements as fluid and graceful as the waves themselves. These celebrations often involve music played on seashell instruments, and dances that mimic the flow of water and the gentle sway of seaweed.   One of the most important rituals of the Seafoam Court is the Tide Binding, a ceremony that renews the court’s connection to both the land and the sea. During this ritual, offerings of flowers and shells are cast into the ocean while songs are sung to honor the tides. The Tidecaller Queen presides over the ceremony, blessing the waters to ensure harmony between the court and the natural world.   The Seafoam Court’s fey are known for their love of storytelling, particularly tales of lost treasures, sunken ships, and ancient sea gods. They also value curiosity and exploration, often encouraging young fey to venture into the world beyond the shore in search of new wonders and mysteries.   The Seafoam Court stands as a testament to the harmonious blending of land and sea, where the timeless beauty of spring meets the ever-changing rhythm of the ocean. It is a place of wonder, magic, and delicate power, where the fey revel in the balance between nature’s forces.


Narahm, also known as the Leviathan, was captured by Oleander forces and freed by members of the Gentleman's League.

Demography and Population

The Seafoam Court is home to a diverse array of fey that embody the magical and mutable nature of the coastal and marine environments. Fey beasts of the sea swim freely within its oceans and coasts. The waters are plentiful with sea nymphs, merfolk, and sea sprites. Herds of kelpie roam the shores and many within the court use them as steeds. A few sea witches live within the realms and the seas also have a few driftwood ents that live within the waves. Spring eladrin live along the lands in small settlements on the isles. Pearlborn fey, beautiful fey with luminous skin, are the artisans and keepers of the court's magical treasures. Sirens swim out in the depths and delicate foam faeries are born from the froth on the shore. Narahm allows a few spirits of sailors to sail the waters here, though only those with the strongest respect for the waters and its inhabitants.


  • Never disturb a tide pool.
  • Do not speak ill of the moon.
  • Never enter or leave the realm during high tide.
  • Do not wear coral in the presence of Narahm.
  • Never neglect a promised offering.
  • Never ignore the call of the sea.

Mythology & Lore

Both Ran and Thiulla are welcomed guests within the Seafoam Court.

Where waves whisper and blooms conceal, the tides of fate are sealed.

Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members