
Quing Sordaleth

Quing Sordaleth, the ruler of the Court of Hollowed Eyes, is a figure both feared and revered within their Court. Their presence alone is enough to unsettle even the most courageous of fey, for they are not bound by physical sight or traditional forms of power. Instead, they command the vast psychic energies of their domain, seeing through the eyes of others and bending minds to their will.   Sordaleth’s appearance is a haunting testament to the nature of their court. They stand tall and gaunt, their pale, almost translucent skin seemingly untouched by light. Their eyes are hollowed pits, empty of vision but full of dark power. Surrounding them is a cloak made from the faces of their most loyal subjects and victims, each one eyeless and expressionless. These faces, despite their lack of sight, seem to follow those who dare stand in their presence, giving the sensation that they are being watched from all angles.   Their features are otherwise sharp and regal, with a countenance that reflects the cold intellect they use to control the court. Their movements are fluid but deliberate, as though every step they take is part of some larger plan. When they speaks, their voice is a deep, resonant whisper that seems to echo inside the minds of those who hear them, bypassing their ears entirely.   Sordaleth’s power lies not in brute strength or even in traditional fey magic, but in their mastery of the mind. They are a psychic monarch, able to peer into the thoughts of others, unravel their deepest fears, and control their perceptions. In their court, no secret is hidden from them. Their influence extends through every shadowed corner of their domain, and their awareness is ever-present. They can twist reality itself within the Court of Hollowed Eyes, making intruders question what is real and what is illusion.   Despite their fearsome abilities, Sordaleth is not overtly cruel. They rules with a detached, calculated demeanor, preferring to manipulate and control rather than destroy. They view fear as a tool, something to be wielded carefully to maintain order and power. Those who respect the laws of the court may even find their rule tolerable, if not comforting in its consistency. However, those who defy them or challenge their authority quickly learn that Quing Sordaleth can strip away not only their vision but also their minds, leaving them hollowed husks, lost in the dark.   To stand before Sordaleth is to feel completely exposed, as though they can see every thought, every fear, every hidden desire. There is no hiding from them, no shielding the mind from their gaze. In their court, the greatest power is fear, and none wield it more masterfully than Quing Sordaleth, ruler of the Court of Hollowed Eyes.

Mental characteristics


Quing Sordaleth may never willingly allow their reflection in a mirror, still water, or any surfact thjat would reflect his image. He may never cross the same threshold twice in a row.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Hollowed Eyes
Hollow with a pale blue glow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, nearly translucent, white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations