Court of Hollowed Eyes

The Court of Hollowed Eyes lies outside of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, just upon the border of the Feydark, as a realm where darkness reigns supreme and vision falters. In this domain, sight is not a privilege but a curse, for those who rely on their eyes soon find them betraying their senses. The labyrinthine tunnels of the court twist and turn with maddening precision, designed to disorient and confound even the most seasoned travelers. Here, shadows stretch long and deep, filling every crevice with an oppressive blackness that weighs heavy on the soul. Flickers of movement can be glimpsed at the edges of one's vision, yet nothing ever materializes. The court itself seems alive, a sentient force that watches with unseen eyes, ever present yet utterly elusive.   At the heart of this disorienting court sits Quing Sordaleth, the ruler of the Hollowed Eyes. They are a figure of ancient power and eerie tranquility, their form wrapped in a dark cloak adorned with countless eyeless faces. These faces—expressionless and devoid of sight—are not for seeing, but sensing. Sordaleth does not need eyes to perceive their surroundings; instead, they tap into the web of psychic energy that flows through the realm, using it to read emotions, intentions, and fears. They are a master manipulator of minds, able to twist thoughts, implant suggestions, and turn friends against one another with nothing more than a whisper of psychic force. To stand in their presence is to feel utterly exposed, as if they knows every secret buried in the recesses of one's mind.   The magic of the court is not tied to the physical world but to the mind. Within these caverns, illusions run rampant, crafted not from light but from the fears of those who wander here. Hallucinations emerge from the shadows, indistinguishable from reality, causing visitors to question whether the monsters they see lurking in the dark are real or simply figments of their imagination. The court thrives on this psychological warfare, feeding on the dread that festers in the minds of those who dare enter its borders. It is a place of paranoia and uncertainty, where the lines between the real and the imagined blur until there is no distinction at all.   The denizens of the court are no less unsettling. Blind Sprites flit through the air, their sightless faces turned toward intruders as they silently glide by. Though they cannot see, they are attuned to the subtle shifts in energy around them, able to detect the faintest tremor of fear. Psychic Wisps float through the caverns like vaporous tendrils, probing the minds of those they pass, siphoning off stray thoughts and memories. They whisper ancient secrets, half-formed ideas, and forgotten nightmares into the ears of their victims, causing confusion and despair. The Mindscour Faeries are perhaps the most dangerous, for they can delve deep into a person’s mind, erasing memories or planting false ones. They delight in warping reality, leaving their victims unsure of who they are or where they come from.   This court does not deal in simple cruelty or malice—it is a place of existential terror, a reflection of the fear that lies within all who walk its shadowy halls. The Court of Hollowed Eyes thrives on this fear, feeding off the uncertainty that festers in the minds of its prey. Those who enter seeking treasure or power often leave as hollow shells of their former selves, if they leave at all.

Demography and Population

There are no real settlements within the Court of Hollowed Eyes, though there are eladrin who reside within the Court, though most who reside within have gouged out their eyes as not to break the laws of the Court. Translucent skinned, blind sprites fly with an uncanny knowledge of the twists and turns of this realm. Shadows, shades, echo wraiths, and nightmare hounds reside within the labyrinthine passages, and more than one minotaur walks the pathways with unerring accuracy. Shiverlings, small, hunched figures with large hollow pits where their eyes should be act as guardians of the courts secrets, thriving on inducing fear and helplessness in tresspassers as these fey drain warmth from any who near them.

Foreign Relations

Quing Sordaleth has no interest in joining either the Seelie or Unseelie Courts, however, their Court has a more open relationship with the Unseelie, as they do have an affinity with Queen Mab. This Court borders the edge of the Feydark, moving further and further into its grounds and will eventually be swallowed up and truly become part of the Feydark.


The Law of Silence. Speech is a privilege, not a right and no one may speak aloud in the presence of Quing Sordaleth unless given explicit permission. The Law of Blindness. Sight is not to be trusted. No one may look upon Quing Sordaleth with their vision. The Law of Reflection. One's thoughts are not private within the Court of Hollowed Eyes. Any attempt to shield or hide one's mind from the Court is considered an act of insurrection. The Law of the Light. No fire and no light may be struck within the Court. The Law of Secrets. The path leaving the Court of Hollowed Eyes is elusive and constantly shifting. Once one learns the way, they must not reveal it to anyone.

What is not sought will be found.

Court, Royal
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members