
Soris (a.k.a. The Whispering Silence)

Soris, the Whispering Silence, is the ruler of the Feydark realm known as Silence. His presence is both subtle and terrifying, for he is the embodiment of absence—the void left when sound, communication, and connection are stripped away. Soris exerts influence over his realm, ensuring that silence is more than the lack of noise; it is a force of psychological manipulation that preys on the minds of those who dare enter his domain.   Soris rarely appears in a form that can be easily discerned. His body is more like a shadow, blending seamlessly into the deep gloom of Silence. When he does choose to manifest, his form is ever-shifting, taking on the appearance of a tall, wraith-like figure. His body seems to be made of swirling mist and darkness, with no distinct features aside from faint, glowing eyes that pierce the darkness with an unsettling intensity.   At times, Soris may appear as an echo of the viewer’s own fears—sometimes as a familiar figure drained of life or as a twisted, silent version of themselves. His form adapts to the observer’s deepest anxieties, shifting in ways that leave his victims questioning reality. His movements are fluid, nearly imperceptible, as though he is not bound by the laws of physical form.   His most notable feature, if one can call it that, is the complete absence of sound surrounding him. Soris’s presence consumes every noise in the area, creating a disorienting, oppressive quiet. This silence is so complete that it feels as though the very air has become heavier, pressing in on the senses.   Soris is an embodiment of silence’s eerie, isolating nature. He is patient, calm, and unsettlingly still, with a demeanor that suggests he enjoys the creeping dread his presence inspires. Unlike many fey who delight in trickery or games, Soris takes no pleasure in noise, chaos, or conversation. Instead, he revels in stillness, thriving on the anxiety and fear that slowly build in his victims as the silence stretches on.   Though he rarely speaks—when he does, it is through whispered thoughts directly into the minds of those he wishes to torment. His voice is like a distant, fading echo, and hearing it brings an intense feeling of unease, as though the very act of communication is violating the silence he cherishes.   Soris is not outwardly cruel in the way many other dark fey lords are, but his power lies in his subtlety. He plays on the internal fears of isolation and helplessness, patiently waiting for those who wander into his realm to unravel their own sanity. Soris enjoys watching his prey crumble under the weight of their thoughts, using their inability to express fear, pain, or even call for help as a slow, torturous method of domination.   Soris can also manifest as a Living Shadow, moving through darkness without form, allowing him to appear wherever fear and silence are most needed. He is omnipresent within his domain, aware of every silent footfall, every breathless gasp that never escapes his victims' throats.   Soris is not merely the ruler of Silence—he is Silence. The oppressive stillness that defines the realm is an extension of his will, and it responds to his emotions and desires. When he is displeased, the silence grows more suffocating, closing in on those within his grasp. When he is at peace, the quiet is almost serene, though still unnerving in its totality.   He has no need for traditional minions, for Silence itself is his servant. The very realm bends and shifts to his needs, isolating intruders, warping the landscape, and ensuring that there is no escape from the crushing quiet that Soris commands.   Soris is driven by a desire to maintain his realm’s pure, unbroken quiet. He seeks to suppress all forms of noise, not out of malice, but out of a deep, almost philosophical belief that true peace and understanding can only be found in the absence of sound. For Soris, silence is not merely the lack of noise—it is a state of being, a form of communication more powerful than words or sound.   He believes that by stripping away the distractions of sound, he can help others find their true selves. Of course, this "help" often results in madness, as few can handle the profound isolation his form of enlightenment offers.   Soris, the Whispering Silence, is a dark and patient feylord who embodies the fear of isolation and the psychological effects of absolute quiet. His realm, Silence, is a terrifying place where sound ceases to exist, leaving only the overwhelming weight of one’s own thoughts and fears. Ruling with a calm, almost dispassionate demeanor, Soris is a master manipulator, slowly driving those who enter his domain to the brink of insanity through the unrelenting power of silence.
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