
Silence is a realm within the Feydark that embodies absolute silence and isolation. It is a place where sound is utterly absent, creating an eerie, oppressive atmosphere that preys on the minds of those who venture into its depths.   Silence is a sprawling, shadowy forest where the very essence of sound has been drained away. The realm is enveloped in a heavy, stifling quiet that seems to swallow every whisper and rustle. The forest is filled with ancient, gnarled trees whose branches twist into grotesque shapes, casting deep shadows that shift and writhe in the perpetual gloom. The air is dense and still, creating an unsettling feeling of being watched by unseen eyes.   The ground is covered in a thick carpet of dead leaves and moss that muffles even the faintest of footsteps. Every sound that should be present—such as the chirping of insects, the rustling of leaves, or the distant calls of wildlife—has been completely eradicated. The only sensation is the oppressive weight of the silence, which seems to grow heavier and more suffocating the deeper one ventures into the forest.   Silence is also marked by an unnerving absence of natural features that usually provide comfort, such as streams, wind, or the gentle hum of nature. Instead, the realm is filled with haunting, distorted echoes of memories and emotions that seem to linger in the quiet. The forest is a labyrinth of shadowy pathways and darkened groves that stretch on endlessly, making it easy to become disoriented and lost.   In the heart of Silence lies the Eclipsed Sanctum, a somber clearing where an ancient, twisted tree stands at its center. This tree is said to be the source of the realm’s unnerving quiet, its branches heavy with the weight of countless unsaid words and unfulfilled promises. The air around the tree feels thicker, as if the silence is even more profound here, amplifying the sensation of isolation and despair.   The atmosphere of Silence is profoundly unsettling. The absence of sound creates an unnatural stillness that can drive visitors to the brink of madness. The mind begins to play tricks, filling the void with imagined sounds and whispers that only deepen the sense of dread. In this realm, the silence becomes a living entity, wrapping around those who enter and gradually eroding their sanity.   Every attempt to make noise—whether by speaking, shouting, or even attempting to create sounds through other means—yields no result. This enforced silence contributes to an overwhelming sense of helplessness and entrapment, as if the realm itself is deliberately suppressing all forms of communication and expression.   The ruler of Silence is Soris, the Whispering Silence, a feylord whose power is intimately tied to the absence of sound. Soris is a shadowy, elusive figure, often appearing as a wraith-like presence with a form that seems to blend into the surrounding gloom. His appearance is ever-changing, shifting with the subtle patterns of darkness that suffuse the forest.   Soris thrives on the silence he enforces, using it to manipulate and torment those who wander into his domain. He feeds off the fear and madness that the relentless quiet brings, deriving pleasure from the control he exerts over the minds of his victims.   Silence is a realm where the void left by the absence of sound becomes a tangible, suffocating force, making it one of the most psychologically intense and unnerving realms in the Feydark.

Demography and Population

In the realm of Silence, where the absence of sound creates a suffocating atmosphere, the fey that inhabit this realm reflect its unsettling nature. Whisperwraiths, ethereal beings that appear as shadowy figures with wispy, translucent forms, move silently through the forest, their presence only noticeable by the slight chill they bring. Mutenewisps, small glowing orbs of light that hover silently in the air, emit a faint, ghostly glow but produce no sound. Mutenewisps guide or mislead travelers through the realm, either helping or trapping them depending on their whims. Echo Spiders, arachnid fey have translucent bodies and move with a ghostly grace, create webs are made of a silken material that absorbs sound, making their presence almost imperceptible. The Hushed, spectral wraith-like beings that seem to exist on the edge of reality, are barely visible, with forms that blend into the surrounding darkness, erase sounds from their environment, creating zones of absolute quiet. Fey dragonflies take to the sky looking for prey to sew their mouths shut to anyone who has ever lied.


Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members