Spyhole Ring Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Spyhole Ring

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)   This bronze band seems rather plain and ordinary save for the eye engraved into the band.   The spyhole ring looks like an ordinary ring with the symbol of an eye engraved in it. When the ring is placed against any solid surface it acts as a peephole. The peephole can be used to see through up to 3 ft of solid matter. Note there is no actual hole in the surface; the ring only allows you to see through it as if there was a peephole at the location of the ring. Also note the ring doesn't provide any light, so if it is dark on the other side, all you will see is darkness.


This ring was obtained by Bronwyn while performing a job for Malthus Normal.
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Current Holder