Swan Queen

The Swan Queen

The Swan Queen of the Court of Brook and Bawn is the epitome of grace and natural beauty, a living symbol of the harmony and serenity that defines her realm. Her presence is as calming as the quiet flow of a stream, yet as commanding as the majesty of an ancient oak. The Swan Queen is both a nurturing mother to her court and a vigilant guardian of the delicate balance between land and water, life and growth.   The Swan Queen’s form is both regal and ethereal, embodying the gentle power of spring. Her skin glows with a soft, pearlescent hue, reminiscent of morning dew on fresh blossoms. Her long, flowing hair shimmers like sunlit water, cascading in waves that change from the pale gold of dawn to the deep silver of moonlight. Her eyes, a brilliant blue-green like the clearest brook, hold a deep wisdom and a quiet, watchful intensity. She wears a gown woven from the finest silks, with patterns that resemble the intertwining of vines and the ripple of water. The fabric seems to shift with her moods, flowing like a river or rustling like leaves in a breeze.   Upon her head, she wears a delicate crown made of living flowers, reeds, and willow branches, which bloom and change with the seasons. This crown symbolizes her connection to both the earth and water, and the cycle of renewal that governs her court. Her wings, when visible, are large and graceful, resembling those of a swan. They are white with hints of silver and gold, feathers so fine that they catch the light in a shimmering array. When folded, they create the illusion of a flowing cape; when spread, they carry her with effortless elegance.   The Swan Queen is a serene and compassionate ruler, embodying the nurturing aspects of spring and the natural world. She is patient and kind, often taking a maternal role with the fey of her court. However, beneath her gentle exterior lies an unyielding strength. She is fiercely protective of her realm and its inhabitants, and those who threaten the peace or natural balance of her court quickly learn of her hidden power.   The Swan Queen is also a creature of deep wisdom, drawn from centuries of observing the cycles of nature. She speaks in a soft, melodic voice, often giving advice in the form of parables or poetic phrases that reveal their true meaning only with time and reflection. Though she prefers peace, her demeanor can shift rapidly if her court is threatened, revealing a will as strong as the roots of an ancient tree.

Mental characteristics


  • Avoid reflecting herself in distorted water
  • Never touch fire
  • Avoid casting shadows
  • Never sing in silence
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Brook and Bawn
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations