Court of Brook and Bawn

The Court of Brook and Bawn is a serene and enchanting domain nestled within a verdant landscape where rolling meadows meet winding streams, this court embodies the gentle yet powerful essence of spring’s renewal. The court is a sanctuary where nature’s beauty flourishes, untouched by the harshness of winter or the heat of summer. Here, the air is always filled with the soft hum of life—birds singing, water flowing, and the gentle rustle of leaves swaying in the breeze. The court’s landscape is a mosaic of emerald bawn (meadows), dotted with wildflowers, and crisscrossed by sparkling brooks that seem to sing as they wind their way through the land. Mist rises from the waters in the early morning, casting a mystical veil over the court that gradually dissipates as the sun climbs higher, revealing the court’s true splendor.   The ruler of this idyllic realm is the Swan Queen, a figure of unparalleled grace and beauty. She is often seen gliding across the court’s still waters, her form a perfect reflection of the harmony she seeks to maintain. The Swan Queen is known for her poise and wisdom; her decisions are guided by a deep understanding of the natural world and the delicate balance that must be maintained within it. She is a patient and thoughtful ruler, preferring diplomacy over conflict, and her court reflects her serene nature. Her attire, woven from the finest silks and adorned with feathers that shimmer like water under moonlight, reinforces her connection to both the land and water, the two elements that define her court. The Swan Queen’s eyes are said to hold the depth of a still lake at twilight, reflecting the serenity and hidden power that lie beneath her composed exterior.   Within the Court of Brook and Bawn, the fey are as varied and vibrant as the landscapes they inhabit. Water nymphs dance along the banks of the brooks, their laughter mingling with the babbling waters, while dryads tend to the ancient trees that mark the borders of the court. Sprites and pixies flit among the wildflowers, their tiny wings scattering pollen and light as they move. These fey creatures are bound together by their loyalty to the Swan Queen and their shared reverence for the natural world. They engage in rituals that celebrate the changing of the seasons, the blossoming of flowers, and the renewal of life. The court is a place of gentle magic, where even the smallest act of kindness can ripple outwards, influencing the broader world in subtle but profound ways.   The court itself is a place of refuge and peace, where disputes are rare and are resolved through calm discussion and mutual respect. The Swan Queen’s word is law, but she governs with a light touch, allowing the natural order to guide her decisions. The fey of the Court of Brook and Bawn are deeply connected to the cycles of nature, and they take great care to ensure that their actions do not disrupt the delicate balance of their environment. This respect for nature is evident in every aspect of the court’s existence, from the way the fey interact with the land and water, to the intricate ceremonies that mark the passage of time.   In the Court of Brook and Bawn, there is a profound sense of continuity and timelessness. The court’s allegiance to the Spring Court is evident in the ever-present renewal that defines its landscape. Life here is a constant cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth, mirrored in the court’s rituals and the behavior of its inhabitants. Under the Swan Queen’s guidance, the court remains a beacon of hope and harmony, a place where the promise of spring is fulfilled and where the beauty of the natural world is honored and preserved for all time.

Demography and Population

The Court of Brook and Bawn is home to a variety of fey who embody the gentle and nurturing essence of spring. These fey are closely tied to the natural elements of water and earth, and their roles within the court reflect the themes of growth, renewal, and harmony. Although no community settlements are within the realm, it does have singular houses crafted within its land, often occupied by spring edarin. At least one tribe of wood elves makes home within the trees of this realm, in harmony with the dryads that inhabit the forest trees. Naiads dwell within the streams and ponds, along with fossegrim who make their homes within the waterfalls of the realm. Alseids and will-o'-the-wisps live throughout the meadows and sprites flit among the wildflowers of the bawn. Meadow fauns and satyrs inhabit the fields along with herds of centaurs. Fey beasts and spirits find home in this realm. The court itself is comprised completely of an order of swanmays that the Swan Queen herself leads.


  • Conflict is to be resolved with diplomacy. No blood is shed within the realm without the Swan Queen's order.
  • Reverence must be given to the Swan Queen.
  • The lands and waters are to be preserved and no damage shall be laid upon them.
  • Prosperity is to be shared, none shall hoard resources.
  • Guests shall be given respect and hospitality.
  • Growth shall not be impeded.
  • The flow of water shall not be disrupted, blocked, or diverted.
  • No untruth shall be uttered.
  • Beauty is not the be hoarded, but shared with all, whether through art, song, or simply enjoying the surroundings together.

The quiet flow of strength.

Court, Noble
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members