Thiulla, The Thrice Lady

The Thrice Lady

Thiulla is the goddess of the moonlight and watches over the autumn season, as well as the patron of illusion and misdirection. Widely worshipped within the halfling and elven cultures, she is often viewed very differently within her own temples. She is viewed as the protector of secrets and hidden romances, giving shadow and light to hide romantic trysts. She is also viewed as motherly and nurturing, giving her warm light to guide the way of the lost back home. To others, she is wise and knowledgeable and a keeper of lore, especially hidden lore.

Thiulla is depicted as a young maiden, a nurturing mother, and a wise old crone—though all are undeniably one and the same. It is considered that the waxing moon is the time of the maiden, the full moon the time of the mother, and the waning moon the time of the crone.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • The only way to seize your own destiny is by pursuing your passions.
  • You must nurture that which you care for.
  • Walk untethered and unbridled to find and forge new lore and experiences to learn from.


She has no holy day, but her followers mourn during the nights of the new moon.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Divine Classification