Moontide Isles

4 Holdsfast 288 DR

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The Moontide Isles rise from an archipelago to the west of the mainland continent of Auluin. The isles are a mystical land of nature, magic, and wonder, where the seemingly simple and primeval beauty of the isles' landscapes belies the complicated power struggles taking place there.

Centuries past, the isles were a homeland for the Fey and the boundaries between the isles and the Feywild were thin and almost non-existent. The elves, dwarves, and human settlers lived alongside the Fey, but were always considered "guests" of the Fey, for the isles themselves had powerful guardians that kept the populations at bay from wresting too much control for themselves.

But then the Fey retreated en masse for reasons unknown, leaving the isle free for others to develop and grow. While many Fey remain behind, the isles were left for the other populations to hold and expand. Even with this exodus, the ties between the Isles and the Feywild remain strong with many Fey Crossings throughout the lands.

Wars on the mainland had not affected the Isles, and the Oleander Throne rose in power, as did the god that they venerated. With the might of the The Allfather, their monotheistic god, behind them, the Oleander Throne now dominates most of the continent under one Empire. Worship of the so-called pagan "Old Gods" was quashed on the mainland and the Pantheon of Old Gods shrank in power.

Oleander has set its eyes on the Isles, however, and the last strong bastion of the Old Gods. The Old Gods and even the ancient guardians have risen to repel the first Oleander assaults on the isles. But are they merely biding time, or are they looking to become a beacon to grow in strength once more?