Ball Item in Moontides | World Anvil
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A sentient orb. A companion and assistant of the Librarian of Fountain before the devastating quake of 282.  Since then, it woke up Masego Sokolov , expecting to find the backed up consciousness of the old Librarian, but instead finding the program in the shell had instead built a new self from both the Librarian's and Ball's memories prior to the last backup. Since then, Ball decided to become Masego's companion and help him in all his endeavours, especially after noting that Masego had archived the entire lost Library's contents and had all the Librarian's memories as well. They rebuilt the Moon Citadel and reestablished the Library of Fountain in the process together.   As the Librarian had aged and gotten weaker with time, Ball had taken more and more of the responsibilities of running the Library of Moon Citadel prior to its loss. Even as it ran the library and assisted people with finding books, it would check in on the Librarian from time to time. This included everything from preparing the Librarian's meals to feeding and bathing them as they got older. Every night, they would read a different book to the Librarian as the Librarian fell asleep. It still reviews those memories from time to time, though nowadays it is more occupied working together with Masego taking care of the entire Orchestra as they adventure together.   Ball's sentient intelligence was coded by the former Librarian, who also manufactured its hardware, including infusing it with the magic needed to hover and float around as it pleases. Ball has points on each side from where it can extend thin spindly mechanical arms and hands which it uses to interact with the physical world when needing to operate anything mechanically. It's eye also functions as a scanning device that allows it to view the world in all spectrums and zoom in to the subatomic level to explore the low level subatomic particles making up reality.


  Its casing is black while having red eyes. Its eye is 8 red LED segments arranged like the radii of a circle, but not joined to each other, which blink whenever Ball speaks. Ball often floats around Masego and talks with him about anything and everything, while also being a helpful extra set of eyes and the ability to scan anything and everything around them faster than Masego himself can, being able to float after all.
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
10x10 cm


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