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The city and the country of Mantle are synonymous. While there are a few towns scattered through the rocky hills, they are far and few between, most of the residents of the country of Mantle reside in The City. The city of Mantle is the center of trade for the Mainlands. There is an eternal ceasefire so that traders from each nation can still barter wares without the fear of their enemies killing them, or over taxing them.   They are the keepers of The Bridge Between and the Spice Road, a long trade route that runs through each of the Four Kingdoms. The Mantonians have their guards patrolling the roads, to prevent the nations from taking advantage of the traders.   The City of Mantle is divided into two parts, The City and The Inbetween.   The inbetween is an isolated island which serves as the the main area for trade. It consists of many buidlings which act as shops and traders.   The City, is the politcal and residential center of Mantle. Those who travel along The Bridge Between must first enter The City before going to The Inbetween.   Mantle is ruled by two Ancient dragons, Kerribon The Steeled and Zaellia the Jovial. There title is Masters of the City, and they are reveared and beloved.


25 Military vessels.


  • The City of Mantle
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Grand Exchange
Head of State
Head of Government
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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