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Crescent Enclave

Residing upon an island in Rothory Lake, the Crescent Enclave is a druidic temple and complex that watches and teaches children of those who wish to teach them of the strengths of nature. The druids also take on orphans as wards, though in the recent decades this is becoming less practical with the rise of nobles paying donations for their children to attend the live-in training life that the enclave offers.

Enclaves act as their own authority, and have no need for exchanging coin aside from accepting donations from those who wish for their children to learn their ways. These children often become paladins, knights, clerics, healers, rangers, or druids of considerable talent in their own rights.

Wards often do not know their dates of birth, only the date they are brought into the enclave. Records of the dates are often well-kept, but in some cases may go missing, or have never been written down. Enclaves generally work well with each other, and with major cities if for the betterment of the land and people, and the Crescent Enclave is no exception. They have a very healthy relationship with the kingdom of Thyram, teaching their noble's children extensively and often in a one-on-one situation. Of the last sixty years, there have only been a total of forty wards who were brought to or found on the island to be raised by the druids.


Training begins for wards upon their third year, and their lives become slowly structured around the ways of the druids. Nobles may donate gold to the enclave to have their children be brought in and trained once they reach the age of four, though there can be exceptions for 'notably generous' donors. They learn trapping, hunting, tracking, spellcrafting, and other survival skills in a way that respect nature and the lives of creatures they may take.

As the children grow older, weapons training begin, and they select a weapon that best suits them to train with and keep until they are awarded a new one, or replace it with one they purchase. These weapons are provided by the enclave with the funds donated by the nobles and other patrons. When the charges, ward or patronized, reach the age of twenty, they are awarded with a tiny tattoo of a crescent moon with a single star above it upon their foreheads as a rite of passage to mark their training as completed. They can then stay with the enclave, or leave as they wish.
Druidic Circle
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Manufactured Items

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Mar 22, 2021 17:16

"Was raised here for 22 years of my life, 22 years of bad service and subpar cuisine. Staff are rude and hostile! Would not recommend.   1/5 stars!"

  • Graffitied on an external wall