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Kulgrum of the Crescent

A druid for the Crescent Enclave, Kulgrum is often in charge of assisting in teaching the younger initiates of the Enclave in their ways, and even more often in charge of the many, many tomes and scrolls that they would learn from. He can speak fluent Rishon, Hath, Aelae, Civilised Orc, and Elvish, but is happy to direct any of the wards and initiates to whoever else might want to learn languages.

He was the druid that had been closest to Kaya as she grew up as a ward of the Crescent Enclave. He spent time with the young girl, watching over her from a distance to ensure she was safe, and when he could stepping in to act as a shield for the girl. He empathised with her plight as a ward, having also been one himself as a child before he discovered his family and birthright; he gave up his titles, lands, and possible life to stay with the Enclave to train others and try to foster any sense of home and belonging within the often 'bought into by nobles' clique that was growing stronger. Kulgrum sees himself in his most lost youth in Kaya, and wants her to feel safe and happy enough to come to him for anything she might need. Kulgrum having learned of Mica's crimes upon Kaya turned to hate the young noble man for what he had done, and began to craft a plan to rectify things. The only reason he has not killed Mica is because Kaya forgave him; though her forgiveness does not mean that he must forgive Mica, nor trust him.
Lawful Neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Death
2nd of Fesaph, 267 PE
224 PE 267 PE 43 years old
Current Residence
Crescent Enclave
Greying black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan and weathered
Aligned Organization


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