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Demons were not born, but made. Mortals who so deeply insulted, angered, or defied the gods through vile and insidious acts were punished with a fate far worse than death; they were turned into a demon upon their dying breath, forced to live again as a monster that reflected the terrible darkness of their souls. Mortals given this new form and life are rarer now than in the past, or so many believe. This divine punishment is seen as one that is not to be used lightly, as it creates such a terrible, powerful, and evil force that must be killed again, and as such is reserved for those that the gods are truly angered by. Demons rely on the world being Sundered then Fractured, as it allows them to escape their prison in Tartarus, even if only in many cases for a time. Without the worlds being Fractured again, they are trapped and unable to create havok and revenge upon the gods that created them.

Demons are overseen and punished by devils, and their chaotic nature keep them from having a potent enough structure to topple their immediate oppressors and the ones who gave them this new form. Demons reside in Tartarus, but some mortals choose to worship these vile former mortals and have given them their own power because of it, even causing the devils to have a difficult time managing them. Though devils and demons both make contracts and deals, devils will meticulously go over every detail and follow them exactly as written; a demon will happily withhold vital details in order to come out on top of each and every situation they find themselves in.
Unknown. Can only die of mortal wounds.
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Varies too greatly
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