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Ruled over by devils, Tartarus is the location where demons are driven to for eternal punishment for defying the gods. This fiery, terrible plane is filled with the cries of agony, fear, and snarls. No mortal has ever set foot upon this plane and returned, and even the gods themselves rarely come to this realm of torture. Teeming over with evil, malice, and the overwhelming desire for vengeance, Tartarus is only a threat to mortal Morata when the worlds are recombined during the Sundering, and after the Fracture when the disaster unleashes the demons upon the world, and the devils, celestials, and archons all must hunt down the former occupants to return them. Many other monsters who could or should reside in Emea or Yitanor choose to instead reside in Tartarus due to their own personal taste for suffering, discord, or chaos.
Alternative Name(s)
The Nine Hells, The Abyss
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species


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