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(a.k.a. Hestia, Vulcan, Gond, Hephaestus, Brigit, the Griffon, Aphrodite)

The smith of the Fey is said to be a stoic one, a woman who is shrouded in silence and mystery. She has seen a thousand Sunderings, and has maintained herself through them all in her forge. She is, however, not without friends. Though many Emeans refuse to venture into Yitanor for various reasons, there are a few who freely visit the great smith of the gods there, and keep her informed and company. Imoine's skills at the forge are unparalleled, but her skills with people leave much to be desired.   In her youth, Imoine turned herself into a six armed griffon one time when intoxicated and accidentally made a series of bags called the Griffon's Saddlebags, as well as created a whole legend about an astral Griffon and it's forge. Her archons carry most of the bags now, and she is deeply embarrassed by what she calls "her fursona centuries". She and two other fey created the Astral plane during this shared phase of their lives as a place for them to be these creatures away from prying eyes.

Divine Domains

Smithing (armaments and trinkets of grandeur), crafting (fine craftsmanship and enchantments), hearth (welcoming), protection (protection from military combat), love (committed, long lasting love), comfort (familial comforts).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • An anvil with a hammer in full
  • Toothed cog with four spokes
  • A flaming anvil with a hammer in full
  • A hearth with two cups upon the mantle.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Year of Birth
950035 CE 950302 Years old
Burning orange and black
Reddish brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
over 200 feet tall


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