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Old Ones, Gods, Beings of Power, the Sunderers, the Musicians of All, Fey, the Immortals. They are known by many names, and their purpose is to protect the world of Morata, regardless of the mortals who dwell on it. The Fey have been on Morata since before the Fracturing, before the first mortals crawled the world, and they brought down the mortals time and time again with the music of power they play. Fey age until they appear to be an adult, and then remain with that appearance for their first millennia. After that, they may alter their ages at will, and are undying. Fey are born by the prayers of mortals, and their power is sustained by the beliefs of those who follow and worship them. When a Fey loses the last of their followers' bloodline (The direct child of a person who is devoted to them via pact, pledge, or divine service), they are weakened to a state where other Fey can overwhelm and kill them should they wish to. Conversely, one may restore the power and might of a Fey by creating a pact, pledge, or going into their divine service.   Lesser fey such as pixies, harengon, owlin, sprites, and others less powerful fey are not gods, but denizens of their realms. They are weaker, and more typical to what mortals believe the fey to be. They are far more populous than the Gods themselves, and act upon their own wills unless being directly ordered by the elder fey.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Fey are able to reproduce only with mortals, and while this is not frowned upon, it is rarely done as the resulting offspring always have strange abilities that mortals either revere or fear. This many be simply strange growths, shadows moving around them, a peculiar voice or appearance, or footprints of something strange, but may also include terrible amounts of power, and a partially monstrous form. As such, half-fey are either killed by mortals, or hidden away by their mortal parent for safety. Very few half-fey are able to pass as typical mortals, and almost none are recognized by their fey parent. A very select number of fey do on rare occasion adopt mortal infants who were abandoned in their domain upon the mortal world.

As a rule, however, very few fey physically walk upon the mortal Morata. They use either incorporeal forms, avatars, or simply with more mysterious methods. This is used mostly as a last resort to see to their business, but a few fey will wander the mortal world readily as they desire.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

When a fey is 'born' from a wish or prayer, they are born with the knowledge of their true name. They also take up the known names that mortals give them through prayer, though these names are almost always shared by many fey within the similar spheres. This allows for the fey to focus their gifts and wisdom to their specialized realms and keeping them from being overburdened with too many mortal demands.

Gender Ideals

Gender is something that often is changed much like one would change socks.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Sylvan
  • Mora 
  • Celestial
  • Infernal


The fey as a whole are not born but created by a prayer to a god or goddess not yet alive. Wishes and belief create and fuel their power and immortality. They are powerful creatures that are rightfully also known as Gods, and can shed their forms without much thought. Though the fey are immortal, they can be brought low and killed when there are no more mortals that follow them, carry their bloodline, or pray to them. This can happen by many causes; time, or being usurped by another fey with similar domains. When their powers are relegated to other fey, they become merely a powerful mortal, and can be killed. Should this happen, another fey can ascend to claim their mantle provided that they share enough divine spheres. Should no full fey remain or desire to claim the power, a half-fey may instead claim it. There have been a few instances of fey and half-fey being pulled from other worlds to fill a void when there is no fey or half-fey upon any of the three Moratian planes who are willing or able to take up the mantle, but these are incredibly rare.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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