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Night of the Phoenix

Once a year, the nomadic tieflings of Askreiz bogs come together in one of the four major settlements, which changes each year, for a festival that lasts for two days.
The first day is a day of remembrance, to honour the victims of the Hellish Exodus. They do this by lighting candles, singing songs, and telling the young ones about the tales of old, before the exodus. Other, more fanatical tieflings choose to create wicker imitations of humans just so they can unleash their anger and hatred on them. This is generally frowned upon though few actively stop these acts, so long as this violence isn’t unleashed on actual humans.   This all comes to a head at sunset, when a massive paper phoenix is lit to start a bonfire. Tieflings may choose to toss precious belongings of the departed into the flames, which is seen as an honour. After the fire has been extinguished, silence will fall as they silently honour, commemorate, or pray.   When the sun rises on the second day, that is when the dawn of a new era is celebrated. Tieflings may drink and eat to their heart’s content. They are thankful to the bog for granting them protection. They are thankful to their ancestors for being able to secure a peace treaty. They are thankful, for they were able to rise from the ashes like a phoenix.   Tieflings that are on the road outside of the bogs still celebrate this holiday but in smaller ways. The bonfire, for instance, will be a simple campfire instead. There is even a small subsection of tieflings that will hold a pilgrimage to the Infernal peaks in order to respect the fallen, though most avoid those mountains out of superstitions. Humans do not interfere with these pilgrims, as doing so on such a sacred event would almost assuredly dissolve the treaty.


16 of Junis
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