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A curious individual that is said to come in and out of the Viskral Valley tavern to cook as if "blown in by the winds, and blown just as quickly back out when they change". She isn't employed by them, though she is also not discouraged to perform the free labour of cooking an entire day's worth of food for the Fleeing Floozy. The party met her the morning after slaying the Basilisk when they managed to catch her before she left, though she left them with both a good impression and also with a confusing warning spoken in Sylvan to Kaya; "You shouldn't play with the music. Stay away from it. All of you."   She also is known to turn down personal payment for her services, citing that she has more coin than she knows what to do with in her "hoard". Telyn initially refused the offer of taking one of the flowers that grows in Kaya's hair as substitute with the comment of, "I don't think I'll take something quite so personal that you don't understand just yet", but she later decided to accept it after issuing the cryptic warning to Kaya. This was after having offered to perform a song for them, which they seemed eager to hear, though confessed off-handedly that it was to hear something different.   Telyn then departed abruptly, citing that the wind was changing and it was time for her to follow it elsewhere. It is unknown at this time if she will cross paths with the party again, though as she seems to follow the winds, anything is possible with this mysterious figure.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Tan face with freckles, and a large, welted facial scar that crosses from above her right eye, across her nose, and ends above the left corner of her lips.

Identifying Characteristics

The large facial scar, heterochromatic eyes, and the lip ring.

Mental characteristics


Unknown, though she did admit to having rogue skills.



Slow, low, sultry. A direct counter to her energetic and upbeat personality.

Wealth & Financial state

Claims that she has no use for more coin.
Current Location
One ice blue, one jade green
Chestnut brown, long and usually tied back in a plait or a high ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
  • Aelae
  • Sylvan


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