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Half-breeds, crosslings, tainted, mutts. There are many names for crosslings, and their unusual bloodlines. Crosslings are the offspring of two parents of differing races, the most common being half-orcs and half-elves, though there are also cases of half-dragonborns, half-orc/half-elves, and even half-tabaxi. They live all over Morata with varying levels of acceptances based on not only their bloodlines, but how those bloodlines affected their appearance. Those who pass more closely with one race are more likely to reside with those who accept them, though many crosslings create their own settlements and cities all over the world.    In extremely rare cases, a crossling might find find themselves with an unusual amount of power at their fingertips, allowing them to take up the increasingly rare ability to become a magical tattoo artist. Being one of these blessed few elevates them far beyond the usual drudgery of their heritage, and almost always will have them seen in a respected light regardless of how monstrous they may appear.
The average lifespan of a crossling is the lifespan of the longer living parent, halved. Minimum is 90 years if both are short-lived races.
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