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Queen of the Everfrost (a.k.a. Hestia, Auril, Loki, Persephone, Tymora, Bragi)

While most fey prefer to stay away from the mortal world of Morata aside from avatars or incorporeal forms, there are few that still readily walk the plane and see the mortals first hand; Tirevalisyanir being one of the most frequent travelers to wander the world. Though she uses her mortal name when roaming, she embraces her role as a goddess, even though at times she finds it exhausting to do so. When portraying a mortal, she's known as a wandering chef and general trickster and mysterious yet wise figure. She wears gloves that were crafted for her by the smith to the Fey to keep her frost in check when she touches things or people as to not be detected.

As a goddess of secrets, trickery, frost, good luck, music, and protection, she often appears as most other fey who come to the mortal plane do; shrouded with a dark cloak to hide her features unless she wills herself to take on the face of the expected deity. When appearing as Auril or Persephone, Tirevalisyanir often times has either frost, frost flora, or ice on her body, or she has young flowers entwining her hair and arms.

Tirevalisyanir holds Guest Rights in high regard, and will personally come to deal with anyone who violates them in her Hestia cloak. She shares the name Hestia with many other fey, though they each have their own aspects of the role to personally oversee.  

Divine Domains

Hospitality (Guest Rights, cooking), music (Taverns and joyous gatherings), mischief (cunning and vengeful delight), entertainment (family gatherings), good luck (gambling and games), the spring frost, winter (deep and rime ice), secrets.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A rose covered in ice
  • A wreath over a hearth
  • A harp with four music notes above
  • Six-pointed snowflake
  • A flame
  • Face-up coin
  • A pair of clasped hands with a cup of wine over and a coin under

Personality Characteristics


Rule over the Everfrost, and guard the Fountain of Memory.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
13008 CE 13275 Years old
Cas Calora
Current Residence
The Everfrost
One ice blue, one jade green
Chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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