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The Hellish Exodus

Military action


Emboldened by their victory in the Green Wars, the humans set their sights higher north to the Infernal Peaks region, and the former allies of the orcs; the tieflings. In a great series of military campaigns, the humans drove back and nearly wiped out the tieflings entirely, leaving only three hundred or so survivors to reside in the boggy area of Askreiz.

Once the orcs were defeated in the Green Wars, the humans turned their attention to the allies of their now broken and defeated enemies to the north. The tieflings had ceased the warfare upon the humans with the surrendering of the great warchiefs, and had regained their neutral stance, though they were wary. Desiring the fertile lands of the Infernal Peaks region, the humans marched to the west, raiding villages of elderly, of the young, killing and pushing them back north.

As the humans forced more pockets of tieflings to flee or die, the military might of the tieflings struck back, but were grossly outmatched in weapons and numbers. The tieflings dug in at the Wrathful Stronghold that was cradled by the Infernal Peaks, allowing them to hold out the sieges that the humans imposed; the land within the stronghold was bountiful, and most of the refugees were druidic tieflings. The humans were unable to breach the walls, or gates, so they called in allies from Kiras to dig under the mountains.

After the Wrathful Stronghold was breached, the humans poured in during the night, slaughtering children and civilians first before attacking the warriors and mages. The stronghold fell, with only twenty warriors able to escape the attempted genocide to flee from the mountains to other villages. The humans pursued, killing more and more until an unknown phenomena in the Askreiz bogs began to rob the very life from any humans who entered with the intent to kill the tieflings. The humans refused to pursue for a month before attempting again, but most never returned from the bog region of Askreiz, and so it was renamed the Hellish Bogs for the new inhabitants.

In 1 PE, the humans officially began to cease all raids upon the tieflings, referring to the Hellish Bogs as a preservation for the Aelaen tiefling population. They supplied often poor quality food and luxury items with hexes secretly placed on them in a final attempt eradicate the tieflings via forced sterilization, though this plot was discovered and the goods were redirected into human villages by dragonborn who were sympathetic to the plight of the tieflings, and the last remaining free orc tribes. This unity of non-humans seemed to be building up towards a possible rebellion, and in 25 PE, the human King Marion forged a treaty with the tribes of tieflings, the settlement leaders, and the remaining orc tribes.

The orcs refused to agree, but the tieflings did, and signed the treaty pact that would officially protect the tieflings of Aelaes from further assaults by the military. Some human towns still send raiders to harass the tieflings, but very few raiders come back from the bogs.

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