Adrys II Dawnstar

King Adrys Dawnstar

Adrys II Dawnstar, more commonly known as The King of Iron and Blood or Adrys the Cruel, was the forth king of the Dawnstar lineage to sit upon the Raven Throne.

Appearance and Character

Adrys was a tall man, with broad shoulders, glowing orange eyes and medium length white hair. He was incredibly indimidating and exuded authority. Unlike his forebears, Adrys rarely wore the traditional silken clothes of nobility, rather preferring to wear his armour at all times; his armour was a masterwork, expertely constructed by the greatest smiths in the realm, the edges of it were inlayn with gold. Adrys would also commonly wear the hood of his cloak over his head and forgoed wearing the crown of office.

Adyrs was a fierce warrior, with mastery over both weapons and the arcane arts. He took great pleasure in combat and was feared on the field of battle. Adrys was also an incredibly brutal man, who took pleasure in taking the lives of his foes. His ruthlessness was known even outside of the borders of Raventiva. To cross Adrys would mean certain death, regardless of rank or station the headsman axe would fall.     Despite his distaste   Adrys was both feared and hated by the members of his court, with many attempting to take his life, though over the sixteen attempts that were made not a single one came close to killing him.
King of Iron and Blood
Rex Timoris
Adrys the Cruel
Adrys the Conqueror
378 CC 429 CC 51 years old
Bright Orange
Medium length, Bright White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
216 lbs.


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