House Dawnstar

House Dawnstar of Ravensroc was a noble family of the old blood that once ruled the Holy Kingdom of Raventiva. The Dawnstars were the second royal house to take the throne of glass, though the first Dawnstar king Adrys Dawnstar, was of blood relation to the Berruchi's via his mother Andreina Berruchi.   The Dawnstar's initially rose to power after Celio Berruchi died with no children, leaving only his third cousin Adrys as a potential heir. By blood right the throne passed to Adrys, however it is due to inherently weak link to the throne from Adrys that the other houses decided to compete for the throne as well. This would cause a conflict known as the Raventivan High War. Adrys would eventually claim victory over the other houses, many of which were wiped during the course of the war.     House Dawnstar ruled as the Kings and Queens of Ravens for over four centuries. Twenty-one male Dawnstars, and one female Dawnstar ruled from the Throne of Glass. The Dawnstar dynasty ended with Adrys V Blackstar after the end of the Blackstar War
Geopolitical, Great house
Family Leader


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