Arlent Rende

Duke Arlent Rende

Arlent Rende is the current Duke of House Rende and the Hand of the King to Georgio I Kcrune.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arlent is pale and handsome with short dark black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He wears a patch over his left eye, to cover the hole were it used to be. Arlent's lips are unnaturally pale, matching more so the colour they would turn in extreme cold.

Apparel & Accessories

Arlent wears the skin of the "Dread Fin" around his shoulders.

Specialized Equipment

Arlent wields the ancestral racuthil saber of House Rende “The Serpents Fang”. The saber itself was created by House Rende during the “Serpentine Rebellion of 981”.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before his accession to Dukedom Arlent was an extremely feared pirate captain, raiding and pillaging the whole of Uralease. His skill on the tides is unmatched, it is said that his ship “The Horned Serpent” has never suffered a single scratch on its ebony hull. Of course, this is all speculation, reports of piracy do not have any baring in reality. Arlent was nominated to ascend to Dukedom after the untimely death of his father Joren Rende in 1087, despite being officially disinherited at the time. Though, due to the rumours surrounding his youth, House Haphet, Donati, and D’Amore objected to Arlent’s ascension to Dukedom, promoting a investigation by the crown. The inquiry failed to turn up any proof of the accusations, and Arlent was ultimately made duke. If he truly was a raider in his youth Arlent has not shown any sign of it, as for the next 7 years, he waged a brutal campaign to “cleanse the sea of parasites.” Arlent severely crippled piracy and smuggling in the Western Rudicon, and became internationally famous after he successfully destroyed the fleet of “ The Pirate King” Pierre Dupont, whom it is said he killed in single combat. In modern times Arlent is known as a ruthless but fair lord, he continues to hunt pirates and smugglers and acts as counsel to his son Lief Salt the Grand Admiral of the Raventivan Navy. His punishments are harsh but not sadistic, with the penalty for piracy being death, and smuggling 4 years imprisonment and removal of the left eye. It is most likely due to this punishment that most wannabe pirates and depictions of them wear eyepatches.   The name “Blacktooth” was earned for Arlents victory over the “Dread Fin” a large black shark that had plagued the western coast of Uralease for 20 years. At the age of 19 it is said that Arlent killed the beast barehanded, even skinning it without the use of a knife. The beast’s skin now adorns Arlents shoulders as a cloak. In recent times Arlent has proved to be an invaluable hand to the Georgio I Kcrune The Horned Serpent is still seen prowling the coast at the stark of night.   Due to Arlent's harsh reputation, he was briefly disinherited by his father Joren Rende between the years of 1083 and 1087.   Arlent has sired many bastards over his years, the most principal among them being Lief Salt the Grand Admiral of the Raventivan Navy. In total Arlent has fathered over 8 children, and has never taken to marry.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hand of the King
Protector of the Realm
Lord Captain of the Horned Serpent
Dark Blue
Medium, Dark Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
220 lbs
Owned Vehicles


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