House Rende

House Rende of Day's End is one of the Great Houses of Raventiva. It rules over the north of the Island of Dreams, an area in which the sea is turbulent and storms are never far. The island is said to give those who sleep upon its shores incredibly vivid dreams, some of which seem to come true. This phenomenon is most likely due to the closeness in which the island has to The Great Star, a colossal meteorite of Racuthil that struck Mordagi uncounted centuries ago. It is from this star that Uralease takes its Racuthil. The south of the island of dreams is under the dominion of House Magian of Wesier, a fact that Rende has long seethed over. Their sigil is a sea-serpent entwined around a saver, on a field of blue, black, and turquoise tides. Their house words are "The Sea Can Smell Your Fear."

The Sea Can Smell Your Fear

Founding Date
200 CC
Geopolitical, Great house
Family Leader
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