Adrys Dawnstar

King Adrys Dawnstar (a.k.a. The Sun King)

Adrys I Dawnstar "The Sun King" was the first monarch of the Dawnstar Dynasty. Adrys I is also sometimes given the moniker of "The King of Spring," as for most of his reign crops prospered, flowers bloomed, and not a storm was seen. It was if while the Sun King sat the throne, winter was but a illusion that had been dispelled.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After his third cousin, Celio Berruchi died with no heirs Adrys stood in line to inherit the throne. However the nobles of Raventiva did not see it that way. Several claimants for the throne rose up striking the first blow against the Sun King starting what would come to be known as The Raventivan High War. The war itself lasted for well over 10 years, though the Sun King was unrelenting in his pursuit of his birthright. It was during the Raventivan High War that Adrys would display his mastery over Magic, being able to cast spell after spell without exhaustion. Adrys is the inventor of the extremely powerful evocation spell Sunwrath, a spell which sheer destructive potential is capable of levelling walls to even the most well protected cities. It seems however that this spell is a feat unreachable by those not of the Dawnstar line, moreover only one other individual has been recorded to be able to preform the same feat.   During the mid years of the Raventivan High War Adrys journeyed to an island incredibly powerful in the Arcanum, an island which would later be referred to as the Island of Dawn. It was there that Adrys, along with the help of many of his most powerful mages and a certain Magnus the "Dream King" (an extremally powerful mage of the Rana Lilawei) forged a staff out of Pure Sun-Glass. The staff granted the user the ability to channel magic with no cost, be it material or drains on the users own energy. The staff also contained the ability to make even the most minor of cantrips devasting and more powerful than any Arch Mage alive could compare to. It is told however that Magnus held the same power as the staff within his own being, his very existence is highly-debated as this is the only written account of the man ever even existing. Some believe his inclusion was added in at a later date to explain how Adrys could have constructed such a powerful artifact with only few other mages. There are dotted inclusions of the title of "Dream King" throughout the books of history, though they are most always connected to the pagan religion of the Rana Lilawei which gives some credence to the existence of this "Magnus" figure.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The High War was incredibly bloody, the fighting itself was of a ferocity that is seldom seen in this age. Several houses were wiped out in their entirety, others had their holdings and assets stripped from them as they were cast down to the mud. During the final battle of the Raventivan High War Adrys, armed with managed to push the spell to its limits, completing melting away the walls and structures of the capital of the Valburn Claimants, along with roughly 300,000 armored troops that lay within the walls. The sheer force of this release of magic was nigh on blinding to whoever saw it, however oddly the spell completely passed over civilians, dealing them minor burns at most. The Sun of Dawnstar flew high as Adrys personally executed the last of the Usurper Monarchs once the war was finally won and he sat the throne


Adrys Dawnstar

spouse (Important)

Towards Visella Aulea



Visella Aulea

spouse (Important)

Towards Adrys Dawnstar



Relationship Reasoning

The Marriage between the two was initially sealed in hopes that both the kingdoms of Raventiva and Uealkai could be united. The prospects seemed to be going quite as their son, Saetorys V Dawnstar, stood to inherit the titles of the Uealkain crown after his grandfather King Janoas Aulea died, however before this could occure Saetorys was assasinated. Both his life and the hopes of unification between the two nations were lost that day.

224 CC 357 CC 133 years old
Circumstances of Death
Natural Causes
Place of Death
Visella Aulea (spouse)


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Oct 16, 2022 23:59

R.I.P. King Addy