First Ranger Sydril Reed

First Ranger Sydril Reed

Sydril Reed is the current First Ranger of the White Order and is third in line to inherit the Great Drenian House of Reed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sydril's physical appearance is entirely unremarkable, he is neither especially muscular, nor thin. His skin is incredibly white, even more so for the fairest skinned peoples across Uralease. Sydril's eyes are a bright red, often thought by some to glow in some lightings which has garnered him the name Red Eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Sydril often wears black chainmail and a dark white cloak trimmed with the fur of a polar bear. His surcoat is emblazoned with the warding fires of his house, as well as his personal arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sydril was born at Fáwë Marto as the third son of Lord Velrith Reed and Lady Vaeri Joharice . He had two older brothers, Kaspar, and Bael, and has two younger siblings Lyanna and Belral. As the third born son, Sydril has never expected to inherit House Reed, as such Sydril had never prepared for the role, instead favoring to read and train with a vast manner of weapons. His studies were presided over by Rylnet "The Wise" Kenlyl, while his study of weaponry and war was presided over by the legendary Katar "Bright-Star" Helejeon. Sydril has also dedicated himself to his role as First Ranger of the White Order.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In 846CC, at the age of fifty, Sydril journeyed from White Gate to attend the tourney at Sornhome along side his siblings. Also present at the tourney were the various wards of his house, Pyotr Karvskel, Sonya Pedrigan, and Sydril's future wife Seylene Helvesta . The Tourney at Sornhome is renown for bringing legendary fighters from across the Elvish Shards to do battle. It was in this tourney that Sydril's skill in weaponry and tactics would truly be showcased. Against all odds, Sydril took home victory that day besting even "The White Wolf" Adrik Gregorev with his versatility coming out on top over the White Wolf's ferocity. In 890CC Sydril would join the White Order, where he would quickly ascend the ranks becoming First Ranger of the Order only 4 years later.

The First Ranger of the White Order. Sydril is perhaps one of the youngest First Rangers in the orders history, being only 103 years of age.

Current Location
Fort of the Moon
View Character Profile
First Ranger of the White Order
Jana Pribonic (First Ranger)
Red Eye
Date of Birth
1st of Mergensun
Bright Red
Long, Straight, Bright White
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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