House Donati

House Donati of Light's Grace is one of the Great Houses of Raventiva and the most devout in Zeloism among them. Due to their religious fervor, the Donati's are elected to the position of Sol Electus very commonly. It is this same fervor that causes the Donati's to loathe non-believers and who they view to be "lesser in the god's eyes." Their seat is the Castle Light's Grace, which the Donati had constructed using "blessed stones." Every one of these stones was blessed by a Zelist priest in the way of the faith. The Donati's have long expressed their "dissatisfaction" with House D'Amore, who they claim allow "heresy and godlessness to run rampant in their land" and that "only those of blessed blood can truly be lords, no amount of kingly decree can change that they are lesser-born commoners." The Donati's have also stated that House Haphet allows the practice of the same "heresy and godlessness" in their lands and have emplored them to "rededicate themselves to the faith."   Their sigil is the Mace of Zelo above a cross of red on a field of pink. Their house words are "In Zelo's Light."

In Zelo's Light

Founding Date
97 CC
Geopolitical, Great house
Family Leader
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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