Raffalleo Blacktide

Admiral Raffaello Blacktide

Raffalleo Blacktide is the lord of House Blacktide of Blackwater. Raffeleo served as the Grand Admrial of Raventiva during both the Feathered War and the Autumn War, though resigned his position after the latter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Raffalleo was born on the 27th of Breyfall, 1070 in the city of Blacktide to Alphonso Blacktide and Noemi Oscuro as the eldest of three siblings. Raffalleo took to the sea at a very early age, quickly becoming a prodigy at the age of 9. Raffalleo loved to travel in his youth as well, being apart of several voyages to the Shattered Isles. At only the age of 15 Raffalleo became a captain within his fathers navy, taking charge of the Dark Horse, which he still commands to this day.   On a year long voyage to Wesier at the age of 19, Raffalleo met Sienna Rearden a base-born teacher in the port city of Bredamond. The two would quickly become close friends and confidants. After his departure Raffalleo would return to the city on a near monthly basis to visit his friend. On the 15th of these visits Raffalleo would take Sienna to wife and bring her to his home in Blackwater.  


After marrying Sienna, the two would have 6 children together, 5 sons and 1 daughter. Those children being Elliot Blacktide, Venceslao Blacktide, Cuán Blacktide, Séamus Blacktide, Alfredo Blacktide, and Isabelle Blacktide  

The Autumn War

Raffaleo and his children would prove to be instrumental in the naval war effort against the Sangohirim Pact during the war. During several battles the infamous Black Spring captained by one Murphy O'Mullen would serve directly under him. In most likely the bloodiest naval battle of the war, The Battle of Red Waves, Raffalleo would win Raventiva the battle, but would lose all of but one of  his children in the vicious fighting. His second child, Venceslao, the only Blacktide child to not become entagled with the sea, would die at The Burning of Kalidan while serving as a pyschian.  In addition, the city of Blackwater would be sieged by the Garnaki during the war, in said siege Sienna would meet her doom. 

Post Autumn War

Having lost his children and his wife, Raffelleo has garned a reputation for dark moods and is often seen within his cups. His only steadfast companion since the war has been his niece Marietta Blacktide, whom he shares a very close bond with.


Raffalleo Blacktide


Towards Sienna Rearden

Sienna Rearden


Towards Raffalleo Blacktide

Date of Birth
27th of Breyfall, 1070
Sienna Rearden (spouse)
Water Blue
Short, Wavy, Light Brown
180 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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