Serenoa Irons

Ser Serenoa Irons

Ser Serenoa Irons, commonly known as the Stag Knight, was a knight of the late king Calsifur's Kingsguard. After the end of the Autumn War, Irons was taken into custody and put on trial for his heading of the now famous Burning Line through Ustalia. After a great deal of deliberation it was declared that the Stag Knight would be put to death for the thousands of non-combatants who lost their lives in his fury. However, before the Stag Knight could be put to the block, he miraculously escaped his confinments, last being seen riding out of the Capital on teh back of a large white stag.   Serenoa is a bastard of house Ferrante, one who was entirely ignored before his knighthood. When the Duke of the Ferrante’s approached Serenoa with an offer of recognition, he refused stating “I have no need of political worms, while your House is made of Iron, I guarantee I have enough iron within without your pity”. Wielding the great Racuthil hammer Dawnbreaker, Serenoa is a brutal fighter, his savage attacks prove too much for most to handle. Serenoa earned his weapon during one of the last great Ravens Tourney’s, beating out all the other 131 knights in the region, even the current reigning champion, Ser Marion D’Amore, these two would eventually form a fast friendship. Both Serenoa and Marion would spar each other for hours without end in preparation for the next tourney. In a similar manner Serenoa formed quite a close relationship with both Bareris Haphet and Tivar Dahlström , considering both them, as well as Mairon to be his found brothers. On the other hand, Serenoa had quite a distaste for one Sel Thaorin , thinking that his ways of intrigue are entirely without honour and ”only a coward stalks their target in the dark of night”. This would eventually coalesce into a rivalry between the two.    


  Serenoa Irons was born as a bastard to Duke Aroldo Ferrante and

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Serenoa's physical appearance is that of a trained and skillful warrior. He is incredibly muscular and towers over most. Serenoa's eyes are the dull grey of House Ferrante, with his incredibly dark black hair also matching that of members of the house.

Apparel & Accessories

Serenoa wears an augmented set of the Raventivan Kingsguard armour, with his helmet being entirely custom and adorned with the horns of a stag.

Specialized Equipment

Serenoa wields the Racuthil Greathammer Dawnbreaker, which he won during one of the Ravens' Tourneys.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Serenoa was placed in charge of a battalion during the Autumn War, one that would soon earn the name ”The Stag’s Horns”. The Stags Horns would earn a reputation for ferocious attacks, charging through enemy lines unrelentingly. They became renown for efficiency, cities that had proved too fortified to siege by others would be taken in but weeks by Serenoa and his forces. The companies efficency against the Ustalians became renowned, though this also brought direct attention onto Serenoa, attention that would prove to be fatal for his family.   After the brutal death of his family Serenoa would begin to track the Dragon King and his son Ioan across the continent, fighting many battles with them. It was during one of these events, The Battle of Artox’s Tear that Serenoa would finally taste revenge. Riding into the river side battle on his dragon Vauxharth, the Dragon King attacked. Serenoa engaged both the King and his beast in open combat, through sheer skill and what some consider to be a miracle, Serenoa stood victorious. The Great Dragon Vauxharth was dead by his hands, and although Iorath escaped the battle with his life, he would die of his injuries mere months later after the war was won.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though Serenoa was not done yet, his revenge not complete. Taking the brunt of his forces Serenoa began to chase the Red Prince and his Defeated Father back into Ustalian lands. The Stag knight chased them all the way to the fortress city of Lithwith. The Red Prince of Ustalia had taken refuge within the city, surronding himself with civilians in hopes of using Serenoa's sense of honour against him. When Serenoa's battalion had finally broken through the cities gates he found the Prince and his Father in the city square surrounded by families of innocent people. The Prince warned that if Serenoa did not retreat he would burn the innocents with his dragon Lilliwen. Serenoa began his assault regardless of the threat, which the Prince fulfilled. In the ensuing battle many of the hostages were killed by dragon fire, as well as by the hammers and swords of Serenoa and his men. At the battles end Serenoa fought the Prince in single combat. At the duels end Serenoa dealt his final blow, crushing Ioan to the ground and severing his arm from his body through sheer blunt force. Ioan's dragon however would sense the Princes pain and come to his aid, the dragon would release a burst of flame driving the Stag away from Ioan and engulfed him in fire. The Red Prince then mounted the beast and escaped with his Father, however the remainder of Ioan's guard would be left within the city. Seeing both the Prince and The Dragon King escape him for a second time, Serenoa would fly into a fit of rage. He took a torch to the city burning all of it, including all those that he captured and the entirety of its population.      After the war Serenoa was brought before the King for his crimes. When asked what he had to say for his actions Serenoa replied “I simply reunited them with their god, they worshipped flame, so I gave it to them. Given the opportunity I would do it again, I basked in their screams Your Grace.” Showing no signs of remorse, Serenoa was stripped of his knighthood and imprisoned with plans of an execution. The night before he could be however Serenoa disappeared from his holding cell, along with his weapons and armour. Many claim to have seen the Stag Knight fleeing Ravensroc that night on the back of a great white deer.

Mental Trauma

During the Autumn War Serenoa's wife and child who were Wesieran commoners, would fall victim to the Dragon King Iorath Aeron during an assault on the city of Illsal. Though Serenoa would abandon his posting after hearing of the siege, taking his entire battalion with him, he would arrive to late. When he arrive he found but the charred remains of a city his wife and child were strung up above the city gates with the horns of a stag sewn to their heads as a message to him. It was on that day that Serenoa was changed, he took no prisoners, he accepted no quarter. Before the great charred city Serenoa stated that he would "kill every last one of those Ustalian bastards. I shall not rest until the blood of the Dragon stains my hammer.”
The Stag Knight
King Slayer
Orphan Maker
Bane of Dragons
Medium, Sleek, Black
240 lbs
Aligned Organization


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