Vincenzo Lupa

Lord Vincenzo Lupa

Vincenzo “The Cripple” is the fourth born child of Lord Hessian “White-cloak” Lupa.

Appearance and Character

Vincenzo is a quiet man, often times preferring to stay to himself during most social settings. Despite his quiet nature Vincenzo has proved to be a reliable friend to many, from high lord to peasant. Vincenzo walks with a permanent limp after he lost his left leg to plague. It has since been replaced by a steel prosthetic that grants him some use back, though he still walks with a cane; his back also suffered permanent damage. Vincenzo is very slight, some calling saying that he is just "skin and bones," and as such is is very light. He is on the shorter side at 5 foot 5 inches in height, which makes him a stark comparisson to his incredibly tall brother Igino Lupa.

Vincenzo was raised at the Rookery for a large swath of his life, given his father Hessian Lupa's position as Hand of the King. During his early twenties Vincenzo was afflicted with the Nox Sickness, which was the plague that took his leg and permanetely damaged his spine. As such his ability to walk and move in any sort of adept matter was robbed of him. It was also the Nox Sickness that took the life of King Calsifur's sister, the Princess Annette Kcrune.

Even before the sickness, Vincenzo's talents have always laid within the realms of the mind. For several years during his youth Vincenzo studied under The Cyan Brotherhood inside of the Great Library of Amalia within the walls of the capital. Vincenzo has been said to have mastered all areas of study within the Brotherhood, granting him the title of Grand Scholar and the ability to don the silver medallions.

During his training in the Great Library Vincenzo proved to be quite talented in the art of espionage, having exposed several plots against the crown from within at the age of 18. One year later in 1105 Vincenzo took charge of the Order making him the “Keeper of Knowledge” and Lord of the Great Library. Vincenzo would be raised to the title of Master of Whispers following the resignation of Sarisa Drox. Since his appointment to the title, Vincenzo has served the crown with a fierce loyalty, although holds the fact that he was not able to uncover the plot against King Calsifurls life and his own father as the source of his greatest sadness and pain.
  • The Cripple
  • "Skin and Bones" Lupa 
  • The Limp
Grand Scholar
Lord of the Great Library
Keeper of Knowledge
Current Location
Long, Straight, Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
90 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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