
The Holy Kingdom of Raventiva is the most western nation of the Validus region sitting along the Seupulan Ocean. The Kingdom has been the dominant power in the Validus region in recent memory, with only its rival nation of Reoyce posing any threat to the superpower. The Holy Kingdom has existed from the 17th of Byrneal 70 CC, when Sandro Berruchi of Ravensroc was proclaimed King of Raventiva. The nation in it's modern form is the result of hundreds of years consolidating the various nations of the Basilruzzo under one banner.


The Holy Kingdoms territory peaked under Adrys II Dawnstar during his "Burning Star Unification," which resulted in the absorption of several other nations, most notably the Kingdom of Halvar. Several other nations, such as Aveliari or Castellacchia, were annexed into Raventiva during this time as well. During the Seven Sons War of 1070, Raventiva's territory was diminished following the death of Loris I Kcrune, with the subregion of Ercodica being absorbed into the Kingdom of Reoyce. Notably the Holy Kingdom contains the Divine City of Zalor, to which the church controls, hence the name Holy Kingdom.


Early Raventiva was largely an agrarian society, with large focus dedicated to various fruits & vegetables as well as the production of olive oil and wine. In recent times exports have been largely dominated by Black Iron and Steel (in its alloy form) that is found in abundance within the Ferrante duchy. In addition to the mining of Black Iron the nation controls roughly half of the island of dreams, allowing them to be one of two nations able to mine pure Racuthil from the Great Star. As such Raventiva enjoys a burgeoning arms and armament industry. Raventiva is also a large exporter of diamonds from their self-evidently named diamond river, most of which is exported to the Circle and the Zelist Church. Although Raventiva is largely self-sufficient in terms of resources, there is an ever increasing flow of luxury goods from near all of the Kingdoms of Validus into Raventivan markets. Following the Feathered War however, trade relations between Raventiva and their neighboring nation of Reoyce have been steadily declining, though the Autumn War seems to have begun to repair said relations, at least to a small degree. In a similar light Raventiva has ceased all trade with the Kingdom of Ustalia following the Autumn War. Raventia's economy is largely centralized within the Sovereign Bank, which is located within the duchy of House Slate.


Raventiva is known to be one of the greatest military powers in Uralease, however their military following the Autumn war has been incredibly depleted, only consisting of 739 thousand soldiers in 1113 in comparison to the some 1.1 million they held during the war. As with its territory, Raventivans military power peaked during the reign of Adrys II Dawnstar. The Kingdom holds many specialized combat units, such as the elite Raven Battalion led by Vera Kcrune.


Raventiva has a very broad architectural style, being both grandiose while also being built for defence; Raventiva is also known for the creation of the aqueduct. Stand glass windows are incredibly prominent within noble houses and temples within the Kingdom alike.

Power Structure

Raventiva is ruled over by Kings and Queens, with Dukes and Barons ruling over duchy's and barony's respectively. Heirs to the kingdom go by the title of Prince or Princess, with the heirs to duchy's being referred to as Vicount or Vicountess, and barony's by Count or Countess. Lesser nobility within the kingdom are simply referred to by Lord or Lady.
Ravensroc (70 CC - Present Day)
Largest City: Ravensroc
Common languages
Raventivan, Ter'kian (Common)
96% Validian Zelist (state religion)
Royal Houses
House Berruchi
House Dawnstar
House Blackstar (Dawnstar Branch)
House Soleis (Dawnstar Branch)
House Dawn (Dawnstar Branch)
House Kcrune
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations

Non-aggression Pact

The Kingdoms of Wesier and Raventiva have enjoyed a stable diplomatic relationship built on trust and the trading of luxury and neccesity goods. The nations relationship has only been strengthened in the aftermath of the Autumn War.


The Circle is currently being represented in the Holy Kingdom of Raventiva by Morgan Reed.


The Holy Kingdom and the Wolf Kingdom have never been fast allies, and would much rather stay true to a policy of non-interference when it comes to the other's affairs.

Fragile Peace

The Kingdoms of Reoyce and Raventiva have long been steadfast rivals for a great many decades. In recent history the fragile peace that followed the bloody end of the Feathered War is threatened by the Rogue Reoycian Prince Rhelar Reove, who has positioned himself against the border of the Erodicia region.


Following the Ustalians launching of the Autumn War, the nations of the Validus have multilaterally agreed to sever ties with the Ash Kingdom, only treating to enforece reperations.


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