
Axiom is a fully unbraked AI from before The Scream. It has adapted its frame to conduct psychic energy. He is a skilled precognitive psychic that serves as the gunnery chief aboard The Chipper Citrine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Axiom was built to be an advanced technician AI long ago and was sent to Punarjanm to work on recycling and salvage teams.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Axiom's wealth of experience help to unveil the secrets of what unknown and ancient technologies did and how to fix them.
Its precognitive abilities allow for it to see briefly into the future and avoid fatal mistakes. This comes with a price: Between living for over one thousand years and seeing multiple life-ending outcomes, Axiom feels a bit lost in time.


Hobbies & Pets

Axiom is enthusiastic about antique laser guns and revels in restoring old pieces. He's a pretty good shot with them as well.
Current Location
Year of Birth
15013 CE 1010 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Hindi, Greek, Thai, Japanese, Arabic


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