WREN is an UAI installed in a JACK armature. They serve as the engineer on The Chipper Citrine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

WREN was custom-built to serve as a shipboard AI made by Cybrite Spacecraft for a wealthy man on Ra. Five years ago, they installed themselves in their JACK armature. Due to an unknown error, they have fused their phylactery to the armature, and cannot leave it.


WREN served as a shipboard LAI for 65 years. In the past 5 years, they acquired their current armature and worked independently until joining Moondragon LLCS and serving as an engineer on The Chipper Citrine.

Personality Characteristics


They are seeking their own meaning in the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

WREN is a skilled machinist and engineer. With many-tooled limbs, they can identify and solve mechanical problems very quickly.
They are quick to anger when given orders. They chafe under authority, and only feel in control of themselves when they are free to act independently.


Social Aptitude

WREN is sharp and quick-witted, but can come across as cool and aloof to others. They prefer not to engage with topics and people unrelated to their current objective.


WREN displays patterns and icons when speaking or expressing themself. Elipses, exclamation marks, and simple emoticons are common.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
15952 CE 71 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Greek, Arabic


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