Yamuran Committee

Founded for Yamura's Rich Natural Resources A plutocracy run by the Yasumura, Honda, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Nakamura families. The rulers firmly control the populace. The rule of the five families is tenuous, and seems likely to fall if the rebels can stop fighting amongst themselves. They legitimize their rule through enforced scarcity, honored bloodlines, and control of the planet's martial forces. The main conflicts between the five families are around how to handle foreign trade and how to handle the rebel factions.   The ruled are divided into three factions: The Patriots, the Liberators, and the Loyalists. The Loyalists are pretty content with the rule of the families. They have a strong sense of tradition and feel like they are mostly treated fairly by the families. They are willing to report signs of insurgency to the law. The Patriots engage in terror tactics against areas that are considered sympathetic to Liberators. They feel like the families are being influenced too much by outside forces and aren't doing a good job of upholding traditional Japanese cultural ideals. The Patriots collaborate with a lot of seedy gangs and clandestine anti-Liberator groups. The Patriots are allied with the Sato family, and believe in their claim as the rightful leaders of Yamura. The Liberators are trying to assassinate notable members of the families and make alliances with offworld factions. They think that the families are too powerful and are creating a fascist state. They outsource some of their cyber warfare and weapons manufacturing to Thorunn's communists.
Geopolitical, State
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