
Acolyte Gawainel (a.k.a. Gawain)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As you gaze upon the newcomer, your attention is immediately drawn to his otherworldly beauty. He stands at a modest height of 5'9", his lean frame boasting a mere 135 pounds. His skin is fair, as though untouched by the harshness of the sun, casting a stark contrast to the platinum hair that cascades down to his shoulders, shimmering like moonlight on a clear night.   But what captivates you most are his eyes - a pair of glowing sapphire orbs that radiate an ethereal blue light. They hold the wisdom of the ages, yet also an insatiable curiosity for the world.   His shadow, strangely enough, doesn't dim in the light, but instead emanates a faint luminescence, adding to his celestial allure. The effect is made more profound by his attire. Draped over his form is meticulously crafted scale mail, its individual pieces glinting like stars against the twilight sky.   On one arm, he bears a sturdy shield, its surface polished to a mirror sheen. The other hand grips a mace, its head designed in the likeness of a radiant sun, while a sleek spear is strapped across his back, ever at the ready.   Over his armored form, he dons the sacred vestments of his faith, the insignia of Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned, prominently displayed, its solemn symbolism a testament to his unwavering devotion.   Gawainel, the Aasimar Grave Cleric, has arrived. And with him, a sense of calm and tranquility that seems to soothe the chaotic world around.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gawainel was not born, but found. As an infant, he was discovered on the steps of the Temple of Kelemvor, swathed in simple linens, his sapphire eyes glowing even in the dawning light. The priests, recognizing the signs of celestial heritage, took him in, certain that the gods had sent them this child for a higher purpose.   Sheltered within the holy sanctum, Gawainel grew up knowing little of the outside world, his existence revolving around the duties and teachings of his faith. From a young age, he displayed an uncanny aptitude for his studies, absorbing scripture, mastering rites, and demonstrating an innate talent for divine magic that far surpassed his peers.   His heavenly connection made him a conduit for the divine will, and his dedication to his studies marked him as an exceptional devotee of Kelemvor. His piety and devotion, however, did not shield him from the isolation of his celestial heritage. Although loved and respected within the temple, he never truly belonged.   As he came of age, a growing sense of restlessness began to stir within him. The temple's sheltered walls, once a comforting haven, now felt like a cage. He yearned to venture beyond the confines of his sheltered existence, to understand the world and its denizens, and to bring the guiding light of Kelemvor to those in need.   A vivid dream served as his divine mandate. Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead, called on him to venture into the world, to uphold the dignity of death, and to counteract those who would disrupt the natural cycle of life and death. With this divine mission, Gawainel finally stepped out of the safety of the temple, embarking on his journey as the emissary of the god of the dead.   Now, he roams the realms, guided by his unwavering faith and the wisdom of his divine patron. Gawainel's journey is not merely a pilgrimage but a quest to understand his place in the world, even as he fulfills the celestial mandate bestowed upon him.

Morality & Philosophy

As a cleric of Kelemvor, Gawainel will have been steeped in the god's teachings, focusing on the natural order of life and death, as well as the dignity and respect that should be shown to the dead. Here are the main tenets that Gawainel would adhere to:   Natural Order: Life and death are a cycle and this cycle should be respected and maintained. Undeath is a perversion of the natural order and must be vehemently opposed.   Fair Judgement: Upon death, every soul is judged based on their deeds in life, not their station or circumstances. Everyone, rich or poor, king or peasant, gets the same treatment in death.   Dignity in Death: Every soul deserves a respectful death and afterlife. The bodies of the dead should be treated with respect, funerals should be solemn, and mourners should be comforted.   Fear Not the Afterlife: Teach the living not to fear death, but to see it as a part of their life's journey. The afterlife is not something to be afraid of, but a continuation of the life cycle.   Guardianship of the Dead: Protect the dead from necromancy, grave robbery, or any other acts that would desecrate them or deny them their dignity in death.   As a cleric of the Grave Domain serving Kelemvor, Gawainel's specific duties might include performing funeral rites, providing comfort to the dying and their families, guarding graveyards or other places of the dead against desecration, and fighting undead creatures and those who would create them. He would also likely spend time teaching others about Kelemvor's philosophies, trying to ease fears about death, and workin


Religious Views

Cleric of Kelemvor - Lord and Judge of the Damned
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Acolyte of Kelemvor
Glowing blue
Platinum Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
GREETINGS:       "Greetings! Kelemvor's grace shine upon you. Like life and death, we meet and part, isn't it wondrous?"   "Well met, traveler! Like the twinkle in a lich's eye, your arrival is both unexpected and intriguing!"   "Good to see you! In the endless cycle of life and death, isn't it nice to have a friendly face break the monotony?"   "Ah, a new soul to cross my path! I assure you, the pleasure of this meeting will last longer than an elf's lifespan!"   "Hello there! Our meeting today is but a comma in the book of life, yet I hope it makes the sentence more enjoyable!"   "Blessings of the afterlife upon you! Fear not, I merely wish you a long, healthy life before you get there!"   END OF BATTLE:     "In the great symphony of existence, their final note has been played. May the echoes of their life resonate in the annals of eternity."   "Behold, the great wheel of existence turns ever onward. Those who have fallen today simply tread upon the next spoke of the infinite cycle."   "From the cradle of life, we journey towards the inevitable grave. Yet fear not, for the grave is but another cradle in the beyond."   "Like sand through an hourglass, their time has run out. Yet each grain contributes to the vast desert of eternity."   "In the grand tapestry of time, their threads have reached their end. Yet the pattern they have woven will persist in the weave of history."   "They have cast off the mortal coil, transcending to the ethereal realm. In death, we find the ultimate liberation from life's burdens."       "As the shadows lengthen and my path grows uncertain, I perceive the divine challenge set before me. Kelemvor, your test sharpens my faith like a whetstone to a blade."   "The scales of judgment hang in the balance, the weight of this trial testing my resolve. Kelemvor, guide me in this crucible so I may emerge refined and resolute."   "Like a lone ship against a raging tempest, I feel the wrath of your divine trial, Kelemvor. Yet, I shall weather the storm, for the lighthouse of faith guides my course."   "In the face of this dire conundrum, I stand unbowed. I perceive your sacred challenge, Kelemvor. My spirit, though tested, will not falter."   "Like a maze wrought from shadows, your test obscures my path, Kelemvor. Yet, I stride forward with unyielding faith, for every labyrinth has its end."   "In this pivotal moment, your divine test weighs upon me, Kelemvor. But as the anvil withstands the hammer's blow, so too shall I withstand and rise above this trial."