Session 0: Trella's Basement

A puzzling doorway becomes a groups only means to escape

General Summary

16th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

  • Party is attacked on the road to Greenest.
  • We are far too deep in the ground to hope of climbing out, and the ropes to the platform are not even within eyesight.
    — Tristan el'Mer
  • Party wakes up inside a room with a mosaic on the floor and two statues. Little information is gleaned.
  • Combat with a group of goblins.
  • A room with a locked door is discovered. The door requires items fit into sockets to unlock.
  • The first item is found in the barracks room on a trapped table. A secret tunnel is discovered.
  • The tunnel leads to a fight with a couple wargs, and the 2nd item.
  • The group finds a laboratory, finds some items and fights a goblin boss and a henchman. The third item is found.
  • The presence of a barracks and an alchemist's table, in particular, introduces a level of sophistication that transcends typical goblin establishments.
    — Conrad Quillwright
  • The group unlocks the door at dusk, and fights undead minions of Lomis.
  • Lomis arrives and sends a undead Minotaur to attack the group. The Minotaur is defeated.
  • The dungeon collapses in on itself. The party escapes.



    Party Roster

    Level 1 (Life Cleric 1)
    Level 1 (Fighter 1)
    Level 1 (Rogue 1)
    Level 1 (Warlock 1)

    Trella's Basement

    Trella's Basement
    A underground area
    Report Date
    09 Jul 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Characters
    Conrad’s Journal: 16th of Flamerule 1486 DR   Tristan's Journal: 16th of Flamerule 1486 DR

    • 1486 DR

      16 Flamerule 17:00
      1486 DR

      16 Flamerule 19:00

      Escape from Trella’s Basement
      Era beginning/end

      The party is attacked on the road to Greenest and deposited inside a room witha mosaic on the floor, and two statues. The group fights a group of goblins before unlocking a magic door and escaping from a lich and his undead minotaur.

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
    • 1486 DR

      18 Flamerule
      1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 05:00

      The Raid on Greenest
      Military: Battle

      Cultist raid the town of Greenest for treasure. The party venture out on a variety of missions to prevent as much destruction as possible.

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
    • 1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 02:00
      1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 03:00

      The Fall of Drake
      Life, Death

      Drake Nagus takes a crossbow bolt to the chest and falls to his death.

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
    • 1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 05:00
      1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 05:00

      The Duel at Greenest Keep
      Military action

      Groc duels with Langdedrosa Cyanwrath for the lives of captures villagers in Greenest.

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
      Greenest Keep
    • 1486 DR

      19 Flamerule 22:00
      1486 DR

      20 Flamerule 07:00

      Infiltration Incognito

      The newfound party sneaks into the cultist camp and gathers intel and rescues villagers.

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
      Raider's Camp
    • 1486 DR

      22 Flamerule 12:00
      1486 DR

      22 Flamerule 13:00

      Death of Langdedrosa
      Life, Death

      The group defeats the blue half-dragon and his berserkers inside the Hatchery Cave

      Session Report
      Read Session Report
      Hatchery Cave