Giant's Whisper: Unraveling the Night-Touched Enigma

  • Tristan aquires the rubbing?
  • Tristan travels to Greenest, and learns the runes are of Giant origin.
  • Tristan learns of a Wizard in Elturel named Morgan Coldfoot who may have the knowledge Tristan needs.
  • Tristan learns more about the rubbings from Morgan Coldfoot. Morgan tells Tristan that the central runes themselves are words of power related to Fire Giants and Cloud Giants, but the tablet is of Cloud Giant origin. He is also pointed towards Loremaster Isaac Burrows in Baldur's Gate.
  • Loremaster Isaac Burrows identifies several names in the rubbings and tells Tristan about a castle belonging to Cloud Giants in the Sword Mountains, which are near Waterdeep.
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