Session 6: Leaving the Starter Village

General Summary

22nd of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

The Group's Departure from the Hatchery.
  • The group leaves the encampment with no issue.
  • During the first night, they discuss the professor's note on Lomis. Tristan makes a point to Conrad that this issue needs to be dealt with.
  • Nuri reveals that her powers are new to her, and joining the group has helped her discover unrealized potential.
Return to Greenest
  • On the 23rd, the group arrives in Greenest.
  • Arriving just before midnight, they celebrate with locals in the Timble Inn
  • On waking the next day, they meet with Governor Nighthill, then travel to meet with the priest to return goods found in the cave. Conrad gets his spear identified and Nuri donates 100 gold to the rebuilding effort.
  • The group begins it's journey to Elturel.
Journey to Elturel
  • Travel until the 27th of Flamerule, when a raven arrives with a message from Leosin urging the group to hasten to Elturel.
  • Nothing of note happens the rest of the trip and the group arrives on Midsummer's Day.
Visit to the School of Wizardry
  • Tristan Seeks out Morgan Coldfoot at the School of Wizardry
  • After a bit of negotiation and a payment of two dragon eggs, Morgan gives Tristan information about his rune rubbings and points him to a library in Baldur's Gate and a loremaster named Isaac Burrows.
Meeting Ontharr Frune
  • In search of Leosin, the group arrives at the Pair of Black Antlers Inn and spends the evening with Ontharr Frume, earning his trust.
  • Leosin arrives, and the next morning Tristan, Conrad and Nuri join the Harpers, and Rhumor joins the Order of the Gauntlet. Groc TBA
  • The new plan is to travel to Baldur's Gate, intercept the hidden Cultist caravan, and follow the cultist to their final destination.
Journey to Baldur's Gate
  • Travel by boat takes 3 days. It is now The 2nd day of High Sun
  • The party divides up and finds various ways to join the caravan.
  • Tristan gathers more information about his runes from Issac after teleporting through a viewing slot of the front door of the library. Conrad, having snuck in as a rat behind him, pays loremasters to copy a book about the amulet of Belgor, but it's in Abyssal.
The First 12 Days
  • 3rd Day of High Sun, 1486 DR. The first week of the 46 day long journey, the group spends time figuring out who in the carvan are cultist, eventually narrowing it down to the 2nd, 5th, and 6th wagons.
  • Rhumor takes out the Lt. Ravenot who could potentially recognize Conrad.
  • A wagon with a noble joins the caravan on the 9th day. The noble abuses his horses, and Conrad, giving in to the chaotic nature of his powers, covertly lights the nobles wagon on fire. The rest of the group jumps into action to defuse the situation, and it escalates to a fight, which eventually ends peacefully with the noble being ejected from the caravan at the next village. Conrad uses the shape of a rat to free the horses.



Party Roster:

Level 4 (Druid 4 )
Level 4 (Fighter 4 )
Level 4 (Sorcerer 4)
Level 4 (Rogue 4)
Level 4 (Warlock 4)

Journal Entry: 9th Day of Highsun, 1486 DR

  I let the chaos in today again. It's been almost two ten-days since I learned of that door and the professors research into it, and it's been eating me up. I let a prick of a noble get under my skin, and instead of doing the smart thing, I let the fire out.

I swear, it was so much easier to control when I was able to let it out in battle, but it's been since the cave that we had to fight anyone.

At least I don't feel the urge to do anything evil. In fact, I could rationalize that what I did was good, because I was able to free those poor horses, but I worry the rest of the group is going to look at me as a liability.

If there is one thing i'm not used to, is being the liability. I need to figure out how to get this extra energy out when we aren't in mortal danger from moment to moment.