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Black Magic

This is the magic sourced to malevolent intent. Also said to be the magic of evil and malice. As a sourced magic in is capable of cuasing a diverse set of effects. However, this magic only capable of harming others and will always has a negative effect. Thus, all the applications this magic either weaken, attack or destroy its target. It is very effective in creating curses and hexes. It has a a black magic circle. It has Purification, healing, enhancement, sealing, and transformative attributes  


Black Magic Martyrs maintain their orginal form, but are completely jet black with all white eyes. They wander spreading malice as their mere presense inspire other to act on there darkest thoughts. They are known to haunt individuals with their greatest fears, and are famous for giving terrible nightmares to sleeping victims, They seem to be attracted to to powerful indivuals. They are known to move in distrubingly unconventional ways. When destroyed they release a large wave various curses that attach to different items or being.  


Basic Level

  • -Tourture Touch: A spells that makes the users touched fell extremly painful to other being the user touches.
  • Repression of Speech: A seal that prevents the target from speaking. I can be maintain to stop all speech at a certain moment. It can be focus so a target cannot speak about a certain subject
  • - Extinguish: A spell which will weaken and put out energy sources. So it can put out fires, stop electricty, or turn off lights. However it also delpletes the energy of living beings
  • - Cursed Cloth: An enchantment that forces textiles to restricted a wearer.
  • - Unchosen Word: An spell that makes the target say what the caster wants.
  • - Dreameater: An spell that gives a target a nightmare. it can be cast on a sleeping target or trigger once a target goes to sleep.
  • - Unsetling words: An spell that insill either a sense of fear, anxiety, paranoia or hoplessness in target. Usually the feeling a traget received depends on their personality, but with control a caster an choose what feeling a target with receive
  • - Unseen Darkness: An spell that amplifies dark thoughts of the target
  • - Unnecessary Agression: An spell instiles an unatural agression among its targets.
  • - Shaded Vision: An seal that cuases the to target to temporaily go blind pr reduce vision .
  • - Deafen Sounds: An spell that cuases the target to temporaily become deaf.
  • - Severing Edge: A enchant that gives a the target a sharp edge. useful for creating makshift weapons or to make weapons sharper.
  • - Restrained movement: A enchant that prevents willing movement of the target.
  • - Unexplained Illness: A chant than induces stronge sense of nausea and vertigo in target, Will lead to vomitting
- Malicious Manifestation: A ward that converts malices into a magic powersouce. Thus it allows the caster to use their feelings malice toward a target to increase physical power, empower object or to serve as a magic source for higher level manipulations. However the strenght of the empowerment is directly related to the feeling of malice the caster has for the target  

Advance Level

  • - Crucible Curse: a barrier that tourtures all cuaght within in
  • - Dark Luck: An enchantment that grants temporary bad luck to a target. With proper contol and forethought and can force certain desired outcomes.
  • - Unwilling mimicry: An spell that forces the target to copy the movement of caster
  • - Death Wish: A chant that slowly kills the target. If not controlled correctly it can cuase death in all that hear it.
  • - Scarecrow Visions: A spell that induce fear driven hallucination on targets. This means the caster cannot direct what the illusions will be.
  • - Wavering Magic: A seal that temporaily makes it exceedingly diffculty for target to control or maintain magic. Effecting to use in anticasting
  • - Given Disadvantage : A ward that givens target an specified weakness or vunerablity . For an example it can make a make a target vunerable to light, or unabilty to move in certain environment. The ward can even increase a vunerabilty already present in target. It can even be used to temporarily repress the Gift of the target. However it requires a decent amount of control to maintain.
  • - Severing motion: A spell in which the caster motions direct an "intangible blade" that serverly cuts the target
  • - Fading Senses: An echant that dulls the all the targets senses. It cuased blurry vision, reduce hearing reduce touch, loss of smells and unstablize sense of balence
  • - Heartbind: An ward than once activated exherted a painful force that feels like effect heart is being crushed by invisble hnd. Can cuase death at high levels ir prolonged use.
  • - Severing Bind: A barrier which suppmmons ring the closes with powerful cutting fource. The size, orientation, location and strenght can be be define with magic control
  • - Fear Feel: A barrier of aura which cuases the those cuaght in it to feel a an inexplicable feel of fear toward the caster or desire object. magic control can be used to amifly or focus the effect on certain targets within the barrier. It is extra effectinve on creatures with animal instinct
  • - Malicious Gaze: A curse that is directed with the caster's gaze. on unaaware targets it induces a sense of paranoia, chills and feint Auditory hallucinations. Once the they become awaure the Auditory hallucinations become louder and encourage the target to look the caster in the eyes. Once eye contact is made the target can be paralyzined in fear and the Auditory hallucinations bcome tortuous screechs and screams
  • - Dark Malice: A spell that requires pure malice. It creates a black mass that releases various torturous curse on target if it lands. The stronger the felling of malice the stronger the curses will be. the type of malice also effects the type of curses realesed. The only curse it does not realse is death is the spell works to make the target suffer and death would be a release.
  • - God Rune:Despair: Caster has to create the God rune for "Despair". It destroys all sense of hope in its presnce and uper amplifies dark thoughts. It also physically weakness all in its presence Can induce thoughts of suicide after long exposure
  • - Blackforme: Shackle: Caster creates a shakle and chain on a target. it greatly represses the targets magic and represses their sense of will making them very obient to caster.

Sage Level

  • -Taboo: A curse that triggers a tourtous attack anytime a target thinks about a certain subject. This includes acessing memories, writing, a speak on the cursed mater
  • - Disfiguration: A spell which cuases a target to continously to reform in unatural positions. It only works on solid matter. Usually with enough power time and willpower the spell can bend metal, shatter glass, a crumble stones. When used on living being the spell it will cuase bodies to twist and bend into imposible positions. With prolonged or focused use in will break bones and eventually cuase death
  • - Possession: A spell which allows user to possess the body of another being.
  • - Repressed Magic: A seal which temporaryily seals a targets abilty to use magic. Depending on strenght of target it may not seal all magic abilties. However it can seal a portion of the targets magic abilties.
  • - Bloodletting: A chant that cuased target to profusely blled from all orrifaces. This inculdes eyes, ears, mouth, nose, open wounds and gentalia
  • - Desperation Orgin: Achant the forms a temporary desparate seed. Is sucks out all emotion from those in the area and replace the feels with fear and hoplessness
  • - God Rune:Insanity: Caster has to carve the God rune for Insane" into a target using severing movtion . its drives the target into insanity by rotating them throught bouts of hallunciations sense of paranoia, and burst of tortuous pain.
  • - Blackforme:Curse: Spell creats black designs that spead and curse the target with a certain effect define by caster. The effect are permant will cusre is removed either by magical means, or by physically detaching it from target. the curse is pain full to touch by non target being. It is difficult and require great magic control and knowlege ot get a desired curse.
  • - Blackforme:Weapon: Spell creates a black weapons the damages physical targets and can be used to sever magic.
  • - Avengers Berserk: A more advance version as the Malicious manifestation. A casters malice manifest as pure physical power for the caster. It surrounds the Caster in a black smoking aura. and greatly engances their physical ability, magic output, senses and durability, The duration and power is directly related to the feeling of malice the caster has for the target and is difficult to maintain. It also puts the user in a dark and violent state. Prolonged use runs risk the caster losing control of their actions.


  • - King of Hearts: A ritual that allows the cast to change the very nature of ones personality. This ritual canbe use to effective brainwash or permently influence a population. It can make evil ones change good and vice verse. It can alter memories to change a populations perpective. In can fundementally change a populations opinions and values. The ritual requires a concoction created in a cauldron. However, the most important igredient is the the heart of one the caster loves and tear shed by said caster for this loved one. The stronger the love the larger the area of effect. Once activated the ritual releases a thick fog from the cauldron. Those cuaght in fog will be subject to the magic effects. Also the closer one is to the casting site the more drastic the change will be.
  • -Will Breaker: A ritual that that continuosly and agressive tortures a victim on a physical, mental, and event spirtual level until their will is broken and they us obey a master. The ritual requires the blood of the desired master to draw a seal on the desired targets forehead. The master then must maintain contact with this seal as the incantation is spoken. Then the master must remain awake and foucused onthe target during torture process. This toruture process varies in time according to the targets willpower. However if the master loses focus or fall asleep the ritual break and has to begin again. once complete will naturally obey the master.
  • - BlacDoll Bonding: A ritual that bonds a targets physical body to a Blacdoll. Once complete damage done to the doll will also appear on the target as well. This ritual requires hair, blood and tear of target to create the blacdoll. It also needs an item of significance and sample of targets magic to form the bond. They only can be destroyed if the magic bond is severed by using the same ingredients from the target.


-Strangling Cloth:  Enchanted textile material that is cursed to physically restrain and bind a target when a certain condition is met. It also has magic supressive abilties is is magical enhanced to be resistent to ripping. This can be a key word, bloodline, or magic use.
-Torture Tag:  Enchanted tag with runes that is placed on a victim. When activate by keyword it cuases great imense pain which is unique to the victim.
-Blacdoll:  Enchanted tag with runes that is placed on a victim. When activate by keyword it cuases great imense pain which is unique to the victim.
-Black Heart Created using heart t taken form an unwillingly loved open, a jade rosary, and massive amount of black or enchantment magic. Once bonded to a target it allows the user complete control over the target
-Hell Blade A cursed blade that induces paint to those that touch it that are not its owner. Created with a large amount of black magic It also has sealing capabilities.
-Unfortunate Bells A hand held bells cursed by the black god. When rung they can incite random unforunate and unexpected events to occur. THe longer and harder it is rung the more intense the eveent will be.
-Black Aranya: A legendary Talisman in the form of a black spider with a black gem that glows red at its center. It is the vessel for the spirt named Malforos and is always owned by the Servant of Thorn. The Aranya greatly amplifies its owners magic. It also bring misfortune to the owners enemies and allows the owner to absorb strength from others. The Aranya must be taken in order to pass ownership.


When Black magic manipulations are performed a black magic circle appears


Black magic is stronger in locations that have expierenced tragedy and despair, such as massacres or violent battlefields. It is also stronger in the presence of stong malicious intent. This could be a stronger malicious resolve from the caster or the collective hateful feelings of a groups such as a riot. Mean while it is weaker in peaceful or purified areas. It also weaker is the users lacks a truly malicious resolve or in the presence of a hopeful population.  

Famous Bloodlines

  • Raven - Desendants of Alyison Raven, a black demigod mage. She was known as the "Dark Weaver" due to her skills at creating cursed cloth and as a powerful seer. Inhertiors of the Raven bloodline inherit powerful foresight abilty and the Raven Magika. This family are close allies with House Vargraven
  • Jacobi -Desendants of Castor Jacobi, black and white mage. He came from two royal bloodlines allowing him to master powerful combination of white and black magic. Inheritors of this bloodline can acess he Castorillan, a Castor Jacobis personal magika. Their house has come to rival that of House Gregori
  • Kreig -Desendants of Sacro Kreig, a black demigod angel. Also know as the warrior crows that settle in the eastern mountains of Blacklin. they are noted by their jet black wings. This family is famous for their fighting ability and technique to enchant weapons with powerful black magic. they have a repitation in spcialized in combat against other angels
  • Xeres -Desendants of Mantu Xeres, a black demigod blackhorn artisha.They are noteded by their black fur and hair. Tricksters known to be skilled at creating curses, playing pranks and inciting bad luck. Inheritors for this bloodline can acess Mantus' Manual and can summon the Unfortunate Bells that cuase random bouts of bad luck

Magic Overview

Black Magic Circle by Israel Rodriguez
Oboros : God of Black magic
Magic Circle:
Conduit Form
Cursed cage which as a torturous prison that also supresses magic
White Magic
Spirit, life
death, Enchantment, Mind
Water, crystal, natural
Magic Zones:
Enhancing Events:
New moon
Magically Proficient Races:
Mages, Eukalions, Nergias, Oricks, Kirakai

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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